“Why do I need coaching to lose weight?”
Here’s a question I’ve heard before: “Why do I need coaching to lose weight? After all, I should be able to lose weight on my own, shouldn’t I?”
It’s not a surprise that you’d be asking why do I need coaching to lose weight because you (just like everybody else) have been brainwashed a lifetime by the mainstream diet industry to think that all you need is a new food diet to fix your overweight.
But if it were true that all you need is another food diet to follow then why are you still struggling?
Why are you still binge eating? Why hasn’t any food diet made your emotional eating go away?
Why do you continue to obsess about food, hate your body, hate yourself, and keep struggling to “get it together” and finally lose weight for good?
If you could lose weight and keep it off all by yourself, then why haven’t you?
Why Do I Need Coaching To Lose Weight
Coaching with the right coach can be the game changer that you’ve never had when it comes to finally (and fully) succeeding with your weight.
Coaching is the fastest path to get from where you are now (out-of-control with food, desperate to change and lose weight) to where you deeply desire to be (eating normal, looking good, feeling GREAT!). Of course, you need to make sure that you hire the right coach, one who has many years of experience with the right foundation of skills, training, and expertise to apply to the real problems standing in your way of losing weight and keeping it off.
Just a few of the core problems that must be healed in order to have lasting success with your weight are:
- Releasing self-hate
- Forgiving yourself
- Learning how to love yourself, as you are
- Releasing resentment towards food, yourself, your body, and others
- Stopping binge eating
- Stopping emotional eating
- Getting normal with food
- Releasing the fat fears stopping your weight loss now
- Transforming the fat beliefs that make you sabotage your best weight loss efforts
- and much much more…
A food diet cannot fix your self-sabotage that kills any positive progress you’ve ever made with a food diet. Does this make sense?
Does it also make sense that food is not the problem? The problem is within you, and this is good news! This means that only you must change in order to finally lose weight, and keep it off.
Why Coaching for Weight Loss?
Why coaching for weight loss?
The only reason to get coaching for weight loss is because you are serious about getting off the yo-yo dieting hamster wheel. Only get coaching for weight loss if you want to stop being frustrated 24/7 because you can’t stop eating and you want to lose weight.
You’d only want to get coaching to lose weight if you want to feel GOOD about yourself, look your best, and get the fastest results possible to get normal with food.
Keep in mind that coaching is not therapy. Therapy focuses on your past and includes a lot of talking about your problems.
Coaching is about moving forward from where you are to get RESULTS as quickly as possible.
Coaching does not promise instant results. The easiest way to get instant results is by continuing to eat more of that food you’re addicted to, all of that food that you can’t stop eating.
Let’s get real: food is easy. Food is everywhere. Food is instant gratification. Weight loss requires consistent action over time, and you can only stick with it if you have the right mindset for it. Only get coaching to lose weight if you want to resolve the long standing issues that have stopped you a lifetime from getting to your goal weight, and staying there.
Only get coaching to lose weight if you’re fed up with sabotaging yourself with all of your knee-jerk behaviors for instant gratification with food. Those instant results from food are easy to get, but the long term consequences are what you’re depressed about now.
Get Coaching to Lose Weight ONLY IF You Are Serious About Feeling GOOD Again
Do you want to feel your best?
Do you want to look your best?
Do you want to stop sabotaging yourself when it comes to finally losing weight, and keeping it off?
How amazing would it be if you could get normal with food?
Does it make sense that a food diet cannot fix the problems that keep you stuck in a rut with binge eating, emotional eating, self-sabotage and more?
Does it make sense that you cannot do this alone? Is it clear that only the smart people reach out to get coaching? The others continue to struggle in isolation, never getting to where they say they want to be (not smart).
If you’re serious about ending your food and weight struggles for good, your fastest path to success is in coaching with the right coach.
Click here to apply now for a complimentary weight loss discovery session with the master permanent weight loss coach JoLynn Braley. It’s your first step towards the weight loss success you deeply desire, and deserve.
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