If you’re like everyone else who is struggling to lose weight you’ve probably heard of the keto diet. You’re probably also asking “will keto work for me?”. Great question! Keep reading for 7 reasons keto won’t work for you to help you lose weight if you are willing to look at root causes that create the symptoms of the overweight and obese population, rather than looking only at the symptoms.
Before we get to the 7 reasons keto won’t work for you to help you lose weight, let’s clarify the difference between root causes of overweight and obesity v.s. the symptoms of overweight, overeating, out-of-control eating, binge eating, food addiction, emotional eating, and self-sabotage, to name just a few symptoms resulting from bigger problems.
The Difference Between Root Causes of Overweight and Obesity v.s. Symptoms and Results
Everyone thinks that the only problem stopping you from losing weight is food. The main reason all who are struggling to lose weight have the mindset that “food is the problem” is because the mainstream diet industry has brainwashed you to think this way.
The mainstream diet industry wants you to believe that the only solution that will fix all of your overweight problems is a new food diet. “Just Do It! Just change your food diet and you’ll be fine!”.
The problem with this thought is the fact that there are hundreds if not thousands of healthy eating plans out there, that information is available for free at your public library. If you’re like all of my amazing weight loss coaching clients you already know exactly how to eat to lose weight. But if healthy eating information was all that you needed, then why are you still struggling to do it?
Is It Possible There are Much Bigger Problems at the Root of Your Overweight Symptoms?
Is it possible there are much bigger problems at the root of your overweight symptoms?
What if the bigger problems are causing your unhealthy eating behaviors? What if your unhealthy eating behaviors won’t be resolved by starting another food diet?
Is it possible that a simple food diet cannot solve what causes you to subconsciously sabotage yourself every time you begin to make a little bit of progress with your weight?
Have you ever considered that your mindset is a much bigger player in your out-of-control eating behaviors that the mainstream diet industry never talks about? What if the key to struggle-free weight loss is already within your Inner Self but you haven’t done the right steps to unlock it?
Your Overweight Is a Symptom, It Is Not The Real Problem
Bottom-line: your overweight is only a symptom of much bigger problems that no food diet can fix. A healthy eating plan is a set of instructions that could work for a human body only if the person diligently follows it to the letter without any wavering or self-sabotage whatsoever.
Why would a person sabotage their weight loss? All kinds of reasons! Just a few are self-doubts, low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence, fat fears, fat unconscious Inner Self programming, limiting beliefs, and blind spots that have been a part of your psyche for so many years you cannot see them at all now.
Even more problems that will drive self-sabotage and stop your weight loss forever are fear of leaving your comfort zone, seeking instant gratification, expecting instant results, lack of the right Weight Loss WHY, a fat self-image, fat identity, and a fat mindset which is 92.8% of the problem.
If you have none of these problems then keto might work for you as long as you follow the instructions to the letter and make it a lifestyle, not a short term diet. If you have no struggle following instructions and you’re not fearing feeling deprived, missing “your food” or any other issues that would get in your way then you should be good to go!
What Is a Keto Diet?
Below is the list of the 7 reasons keto won’t work for you if you prefer to skip to the list now. If you don’t know what a keto diet is though, here’s a brief overview:
Keto is short for ketosis, a state the body enters into when it begins to burn fat for fuel instead of burning glucose for fuel. When the body enters into ketosis “ketones” are found in the urine stream if tested for ketosis.
The “keto diet” has been around for years. it’s only recently that it’s been dubbed KETO. There are even “diet clinics” that test for ketosis, I know because many years ago I went to one of those! This was long before anyone was talking about “the keto diet”.
If you’re eating a keto diet you’re eating very low carbohydrates while eating protein, veggies, nuts, with some limited fruit. There is quite a bit of added fat in the keto diet, which keto advocates believe is necessary.
The thing is, if you just get normal with food, stop binge eating, stop emotional eating, stop stuffing yourself and live a healthy lifestyle, then you won’t need a gimmick food diet to lose weight again after you already lost weight many times in the past, but gained it all back, over and over again.
When you look at your past results, does it make sense that there’s more to your weight problems that a food diet simply cannot fix?
Does it also make sense that if you were to fix the real problems that drive you to sabotage your weight loss and gain all the weight back every time you lose it, then you’d finally be free to lose weight, and keep it off. Therefore, the problem is not the food diet, maybe possibly, the problem is within you.
The problem is within your Inner Self and only by healing your Inner Self will you finally stop doing all the things that keep you stuck, frustrated, and on the constant hunt for the “perfect food diet” when the food diet cannot fix WHY you keep sabotaging your own weight loss efforts over and over again.
Does this make sense, even a little bit?
7 Reasons Keto Won’t Work For You to Help You Lose Weight
Let’s take a look now at the 7 reasons keto won’t work for you to help you lose weight!
1.) Keto won’t work for you to stop your binge eating disorder
If you are struggling to stop binge eating the keto diet won’t work for you to stop your binge eating disorder. There is a lot more at play when you are a binge eater that is not actually about the food and when you understand this it will make sense why no food diet has ever stopped your binge eating disorder for good.
It is possible to stop binge eating short term when attempting to only use willpower, so if you only want short term success with your eating and your weight then maybe keto could work for you.
And of course, if you have zero problems with binge eating, emotional eating, food addiction, food obsessions, low self-esteem, low self-confidence, lack of belief in yourself, and a complete absence of any fears of success or fears of being thin then if keto works with your body chemistry you should then have no problem sticking with it and making it a lifestyle plan for yourself!
But if you have any struggle with unhealthy eating behaviors, a fat self-image, unconscious fat Inner Self programming, self-sabotage, using food for comfort, or the typical binge eating, emotional eating, or compulsive overeating, then a keto diet is not going to magically transform all of these problems for you.
You need to heal your Inner Self in order to break free of your food and weight struggles for good. Once you do this, then you will be able to lose weight, and keep it off.
2.) Keto won’t work for you to stop your emotional eating.
Emotional eating is such a huge problem so if you identify as an emotional eater you’re definitely not alone!
One of the reasons emotional eating is such a problem is because food is EVERYWHERE, pretty much 24 hours a day, which makes it easy to develop a dependence on food as a crutch.
There are so many things that can “go wrong” in your day-to-day life simply because you cannot control anything outside of yourself and if you don’t know how to cope with life and feel your uncomfortable emotions without trying to avoid them, then food is an easy drug of choice.
It might surprise you to know that millions of folks struggling to lose weight are not skilled at feeling their own emotions. Many have become so disconnected from their emotions that they fear feeling physical hunger since they are used to stuffing down all of their emotions with food.
Hey, I understand, I’ve been there before! But the thing is that no food diet will fix these problems for you. Keto won’t work for you to help you lose weight when you depend on food to avoid your uncomfortable emotions because as soon as you get going with a keto diet all of your uncomfortable emotions will come to the surface.
They never went anywhere when you tried to stuff them down, this is why you aren’t able to stick with a food diet for any length of time in order to get to your goal weight and stay there. Does this make sense?
The solution is not another food diet. YES, you absolutely must change your eating habits, but unless you heal your Inner Self to heal the root of what made you overweight, you won’t stand a chance of losing weight and keeping it off, even if you have the best food diet in the world.
3.) Keto won’t work for you to transform your negative self-talk which drives you to the chips and ice cream every night.
Have you ever noticed how negative your self-talk is? It’s possible you aren’t even aware of it because it’s so much a part of your everyday life.
The big problem with negative self-talk is that you take yourself with you everywhere you go. Not only is it impossible to escape your overweight body, your overweight eating behaviors, and your overweight mindset, it’s also impossible to escape your negative self-talk, even if you’re not aware of it.
Doing a keto diet isn’t going to change your negative self-talk, it will likely make it worse. Changing your eating habits without having positive, empowering self-talk in place will bring to the forefront all of your insecurities, self-doubts, and fears that keep your body fat.
When all of this negativity flows to the forefront of your mind, do you realize how powerfully your self-talk influences your eating behaviors?
Think of it like this: when you’re telling yourself “You can’t do this, you always fail” do you think that negative self-talk is going to make you feel confident and empowered? Or is that negative self-talk going to easily lead to the freezer to get the ice cream because you’re already telling yourself that you’re going to fail. So why not fail right now, make sense?
The keto diet won’t work for you to help you lose weight unless you have very positive, healthy, self-empowered self-talk. You must become your own best friend and you must believe any positive self-talk you speak to yourself. If you don’t believe it, words won’t be enough.
Heal your Inner Self to become your own best friend and your self-talk will naturally transform! Then you will be able to STICK WITH your healthy eating plan, making it a lifestyle to lose weight, and keep it off. If keto works for you as a lifestyle plan then you’d be able to do it struggle-free as long as you have healed your Inner Self first.
4.) Keto won’t work for you to stop your self-sabotaging unhealthy eating behaviors
Have you ever noticed that as soon as you start to have a little bit of success with weight loss that out of nowhere, “something happens” and boom, you’re right back into unhealthy self-sabotaging eating behaviors again?
Have you ever had the experience of getting within 10 pounds of your goal weight and you’re not sure WHY, but you never got to your goal. Instead, you started binge eating again, your emotional eating came right back, and you easily fell right back into all of those old, unhealthy eating patterns you’ve struggled with a lifetime?
What’s really frustrating is that you don’t know WHY you keep sabotaging yourself. You can’t figure it out because it doesn’t matter how much healthy eating information you collect, you’re never able to get yourself to the weight loss goal that you say you want for yourself.
You constantly pull yourself back to failure, regaining the weight again and again.
Doing a keto diet isn’t going to fix your self-sabotage because what drives you to sabotage yourself is NOT about the food. It’s about something else. Coaching with the right coach is the fastest way to resolve this.
If you don’t resolve your self-sabotaging eating behaviors, how will you ever get to your goal weight, and stay there?
Does it make sense that keto won’t work for you as long as you have not fully resolved your self-sabotaging behaviors that stop your weight loss every time?
5.) Keto won’t work for you to flush the fat out of your thinking, out of your emotional state, and out of your unhealthy, fat eating behavior cycles.
If you’ve read this far then it’s probably making sense to you that your food and weight struggles are not about the eating plan.
It might also be making sense to you that NO healthy eating plan on the planet will work for you unless you resolve the deeper issues that cause you to get in your own way and stop your own weight loss success.
If you don’t heal your Inner Self then you won’t break free of your binge eating, emotional eating, yo-yo dieting or self-sabotaging eating behaviors.
If you don’t heal your Inner Self then you’ll continue to battle the fat – not just fat on your body but the fat in your head. In your head is where the most dangerous fat is. If you don’t flush the fat out of your head, then you’ll always battle with the fat in your eating behaviors.
You see, the fat on your body starts with the fat thinking in your head. It’s your own thoughts that create your decisions and lead to your behaviors which give you the results with your weight.
If you don’t change your thinking it’s impossible to change your overweight results. You cannot expect to get a thin body while hanging on to a fat mental state.
Not only must you flush the fat out of your head, you must also flush the fat out of your emotional state. It’s all connected: your fat thinking leads to fat emotions which leads to fat behaviors which gives you the results of overweight or obesity on your body.
Make sense?
Keto won’t change your thinking, you must take radically different action to change your thought patterns within your Inner Self. You cannot “think about it” and change your thoughts, either. You need a real, sold, day-to-day action plan to change your thinking so that you can finally succeed fully with your weight. Even if the keto diet would work successfully with your body, you won’t get success with keto unless you change your thinking about your body, about yourself, about your weight, about food, and about even more.
Keto won’t work for you to help you lose weight as long as you avoid making the most important changes in your mind and emotions which are a major player in why you became overweight in the first place.
Keto won’t help you lose weight as long as your head is not in the right place.
6.) Keto won’t work for you to stop your self-sabotaging yo-yo dieting patterns.
Yo-yo dieting is one symptom of a lack of alignment between your Inner Self and the weight loss goals you say you want for yourself. Yo-yo dieting cannot be fixed by a food diet. A food diet is only a food diet. Keto is only a food diet of instructions to follow and it will never work if you don’t follow the instructions to the letter, and follow the instructions long term.
It takes a minimum of 12 weeks of following a healthy eating plan to the letter, consistently, meal after meal, before you’ll even see significant change in your body.
The patterns of yo-yo dieting intermingle with self-sabotage, lack of self-belief, doubts that you deserve to lose weight, and a lack of true commitment. There’s a lot going on when you continue to struggle with yo-yo dieting.
Yo-yo dieting is also a symptom of a fat identity, and a bigger problem is that none of these issues will be solved by a keto diet.
Keto won’t work for you to help you lose weight when you don’t have the right psychology of weight loss, and as long as you don’t have the right psychology for weight loss, you’ll continue to sabotage yourself and yo-yo diet.
If you’re ok with the heavy disappointment with yourself that only gets worse every time you regain the weight then none of what you’re reading matters. Just keep dieting and regaining the weight if it doesn’t bother you.
Since you’re still reading chances are that all of those weight regains DO bother you and they bother you greatly. You can stop yo-yo dieting once and for all if you heal your Inner Self and replace the root of your food and weight struggles with peace and alignment.
You don’t have to keep struggling, but doing another food diet like keto without fixing the root of what made you overweight in the first place…. you simply cannot get long term results like that.
7.) Keto won’t work for you to release your hidden blind spots that are keeping you stuck, overweight, and overeating
One of the biggest challenges in losing weight and keeping it off is resolving your blind spots that unconsciously rear up to bite you in the butt no matter how good your intentions may be.
Your blind spots are a main source of frustration for you. They are the reason you ask yourself “Why is it that I’m so smart and successful except for this ONE area of my life?”.
Your blind spots are the reason that you say “I was doing so good and then something happened, I don’t even know what it was, but I fell off the wagon and here I am, 15 pounds heavier than when I started!”.
A big problem with your blind spots is…. you are blind to them! You simply cannot see what you cannot see. It’s too close to you, making you blind to it.
The quickest way to move beyond your blind spots is by coaching with the right coach for you. A professional permanent weight loss coach can have the objectivity required to see what you cannot see, and give you the tools to move beyond what has been stopping you from losing weight and keeping it off.
A food diet cannot do this for you. Once you break free of your negative, unhealthy blind spots though, then you’ll be able to stick with your healthy eating lifestyle plan and finally lose weight for good.
Heal Your Inner Self to Lose Weight For Good
Do you want to stop searching for the newest diet fad every time you regain the weight you lost in the past?
Do you want to get normal with food?
Do you want to:
- Stop binge eating
- Stop emotional eating
- Stop sabotaging your weight loss
- Feel GOOD about yourself again
- Look your best
- Lose weight and keep it off
Do you want all of these results BUT you don’t know how to do this alone, and you certainly don’t want to waste another 10-20 years trying to figure it out on your own?
If you are serious about putting an end to your food and weight struggles for good and it makes sense to you that a food diet can’t fix the problems that cause you to keep sabotaging your best weight loss efforts, then apply now for a complimentary weight loss discovery session with the master permanent weight loss coach!
The is a complimentary intro coaching call is the only way to find out if or how coaching would be a good mutual fit so that you can finally end your food and weight struggles for good.
Struggle-free weight loss is totally possible but only if you get the proven step-by-step system and have the coaching and accountability to go along with it. Do this and you’ll finally be able to break free just like they have.
Click here to apply and get started now!
![7 Reasons Keto Won\'t Work For You to Help You Lose Weight](https://fearlessfatloss.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/7-reasons-keto-wont-work-for-you-.jpg)