Good question: What IS Fearless Fat Loss anyway? I feel like I’m leaving you out of a Big Secret if I don’t break it down for you and share exactly What Fearless Fat Loss Really IS. Sharing this with you will not only help answer the question “What IS Fearless Anyway” but more importantly, this post will help you gain an insight into the bigger reasons that have been standing in your way of losing weight and keep it off for good.
There’s a lot more to the story than you’re aware of because just like everyone else, you think that the main reasons you’re overweight are a) the food you eat and b) your lack of exercise. But WHY are you eating what you’re eating and WHY aren’t you moving your body? Hmmm…. the subconscious mind is a fantastic trickster when it’s trying to keep you where you are, just so that you stay safe.
Safe does not equal fit and sexy though!
But hey, you’re definitely not alone in your view of your overweight struggles. You see, almost all of the 78.6 million who are obese or overweight in the USA today think that their only problem is the food. Sure, what you eat and how much you eat DOES matter, we all know that, but here’s a secret no one is talking about: 92.8% of what is stopping you from changing what you eat and how much you eat is mindset.
That’s right! MOST of what is stopping you is your mindset, and when you are unknowingly being held back by fear, then you’re not even able to change how and what you eat.
Does this make sense?
Are you getting this?
It’s pretty simple: HOW can you make an easy, consistent change to your diet and exercise habits when you have hidden fears that drive you to overeat and therefore keep your body fat? HOW can you change what you can’t even see?
Now I’ve gotta say, there are thousands of fears that you might have that could be driving you to emotionally eating, binge eat, or just plain overeat, and I don’t know what your main fears are unless I’m working with you personally in my proven coaching system to struggle-free weight loss. What I do know is that the fear will keep you fat, and you cannot achieve Fearless Fat Loss without releasing your fears that are holding you back.
What IS Fearless Fat Loss Anyway?
Fearless Fat Loss is the easiest fat loss you have ever ever ever achieved, and here’s why: Fearless Fat Loss has NO FEAR in it. But WHY is this important? Because it’s FEAR that is holding you back today from losing weight and keeping it off forever.
Yes! It’s true. What’s funny is that no one is thinking about this or talking about it. It’s a Big Secret to permanent weight loss you need to become aware of NOW though. Why? Because otherwise your fears will continue to hold you back forever and don’t you want to lose weight and keep it off forever? Don’t you want to get to your ideal weight and stay there? Don’t you want to:
- Stop emotional eating
- Stop binge eating
- Stop procrastinating
- Stop the struggle AND
- Lose weight, keep it off, and move the heck on with your life?!!
If you want the above then you must release all of your fears that are standing in your way. All of your fears that are stopping you from achieving Fearless fat loss. All of your fears that keep you in the endless loop of “I’ll change tomorrow” or “I’ll do it on Monday” or the dreaded SomedayItis. Somedayitis is that disease of always putting it off until “someday”, that day that is no where to be found on any calendar in the world.
Let’s Get Real
It’s not going to happen Someday. Truth! You’re not going to lose weight Someday, you won’t achieve fearless fat loss One Day and you’re not going to Do It Tomorrow and I’m sorry to say that waiting until you make a New Year’s Resolution to lose weight won’t magically give you fearless fat loss.
It’s really important to get real with yourself about this NOW because waiting to lose weight never works. But THIS is The Big PROBLEM that You and No One Else is seeing: what is the REASON you keep putting it off? What is the REASON you say you’ll “do it tomorrow”? Why aren’t you just simply Doing It Today?
It’s the Fear Plain and Simple
Plain and simple, your fears that are holding you back from losing weight and keeping it off. What are your personal, hidden fears that are stopping you from losing weight forever? What are the subconscious reasons that your fears stay alive and stop you from achieving Fearless Fat Loss? Honestly I do not know what is stopping you personally unless you’re one of my permanent weight loss coaching clients, but like I wrote above, I know that you’ve gotta heal and release those fears so that you can completely get out of your own way and lose weight once and for all.
Stay tuned for more over the next few days! Tomorrow is The JoLynn Braley Show’s weekly podcast episode which comes out each week on Thursday. I’ve been publishing that show since the first week of January 2013 on iTunes. You can click here to see a list of episodes now.
Remember this too: You CAN lose weight and keep it off forever, once you have the right mindset, a weight loss mindset. A weight loss mindset is grounded in love instead of fear. A weight loss mindset will give you Fearless Fat Loss that lasts. You won’t be plagued with emotional eating, unhealthy lifestyle habits, and yo-yo dieting once you have a weight loss mindset.
If You’re Fed Up with The Struggle (and you want to lose weight and Keep It Off)
If you want to experience the freedom of losing weight once and for all (instead of just reading about Fearless Fat Loss) then here’s your first step: click here now to apply for a complimentary weight loss discovery session with me, permanent weight loss coach JoLynn Braley. If your application is approved and we get on the call, I’ll help you discover what’s really been stopping you personally from losing weight for good, and also what you can do about it! Click here to get started now. (Serious applicants only)