On my post 23 “Health” Drinks That Contain Crystalline Fructose, Dina asked a good question in her comment. She wanted to know if I had any suggestions for alternatives to the flavored, bottled water type of drinks (containing crystalline fructose) that I listed in my article.
My list of alternatives is very short, containing only 3 that do not contain crystalline fructose (or other sugars), #1 being plain ole’ water.
Yes, my #1 alternative is plain water. I know, it might not be the most popular choice, but it is definitely the healthiest for you. Your body is approximately 70% water, and you can only survive 3 days without it. Water helps to flush your system of toxins, and helps hydrate your skin. Water is where it’s at. š
You can add lemon or lime to your water, and Becky left a comment on my post What is Crystalline Fructose with a great alternative suggestion: adding lemon and fresh mint to your water. I haven’t tried the fresh mint before, but it sounds good! It’s great for your health to drink an entire 100oz of water each day, something that I learned on the 6WBMO plan. When you are drinking this much water, you won’t have a lot of room for other drinks, anyway!
For a soda, I really like Diet Rite soda. It contains zero sodium, aspartame, or caffeine. It is sweetened with Splenda, which is another sweetener that has differing views as to whether or not it is healthy for you (future article). I don’t have a reaction to it like I do to Nutra Sweet (aspartame), and I currently use it (Splenda). If you wish to avoid it, you would save yourself money by sticking with plain water.
I used to be a big Diet Coke and Pepsi drinker, but both gave me a funny feeling on the top of my head. I believe it was the aspartame. Diet Rite does taste different that those other colas, but I now prefer it. It is also a soda that is OK to drink on the 6WBMO, as long as it’s in moderation. You do have to be careful and monitor whether or not it causes you to crave sweets. Actually, I did not drink it (or any soda) when I conducted my ban on refined sugar experiment.
Another soda that doesn’t contain sodium, caffeine, or aspartame is Diet Hansen’s Soda. Like Diet Rite, it is sugar-free, sweetened with Splenda, and is also OK for the 6WBMO (again, in moderation). Diet Hansen’s is also free of preservatives and artificial colors or flavorings. It does contain that ingredient “natural flavor“, though.
Since both of these sodas are sugar-free, this means that they don’t contain cane sugar, or high fructose corn syrup, crystalline fructose, corn syrup solids, or any of those sugars. Remember, these are all just a different form of sugar. Just because you don’t see the word “sugar” listed in the ingredients doesn’t mean that there is no sugar in the product. š
If you want to avoid all processed ingredients 100%, then the best thing to stick with is water. I own a reverse osmosis water treatment system that puts my drinking water through 5 different processes, so I don’t drink plain tap water. The systems aren’t cheap but I’ve had mine for years and it has paid for itself multiple times. Instead of buying bottled water (unless I take a trip), I put that money into the water treatment system. There really is a difference; I actually have friends that say they’ve gotten hooked on my water.
If this is something you are interested in, you can search for them here:
Today we got 39 Ā°C here in Berlin, Germany and your post helps me to find the right drink for my workout later in the evening. Thank you!
Hi Thomas,
Wow, I didn’t know it got so hot in Germany, I hope it’s cooled off a bit by now.
Can you find Diet Rite or Diet Hansen’s in the grocery over there? Diet Hansen’s is available in Canada and in some stores in the States, and Diet Rite is easy to find.
Great blog, I just found it this week.
I would like to add some healthy drink ideas for your consideration. What about things like tea? I usually drink iced green tea with about 2 teaspoons of sugar per quart(which is about 1 1/4 grams of suger per serving, and it takes out the bitterness). Also, I drink a lot of 100% juice. ocean spray 100% cranberry juice is wonderful. (it is mixed with sweeter juices like apple and grape to sweeten it) same with a new tropicana 100% grapefruit juice. Then there are the grape and apple juices.
There has to be more than three choices out here š keep up the good work.
Hi Harlan, thanks for your comments!
I also love tea, I didn’t include that in this post because I wrote another post about it.
I don’t include sugar in these options because I believe that sugar is addictive (besides having zero nutrients for the body), based on my experience and my research. If you don’t have a problem with it though, then it could work for you, but I still wouldn’t recommend it for your health. š
That’s also why I haven’t listed fruit juices. Even if you can find the processed juices that contain nothing besides the juice, they are high in natural sugar, which can give you cravings for more sugar. However, I don’t have a problem with sugar cravings when I drink plain fresh juice like I did when I did my mono diet experiment. I would recommend juicing your own fresh fruit over the store bought kind, you’ll get many more nutrients out of it.
So there’s my rundown on why this post only had 3 choices listed. I hope this helps…. also, thank you very much for your compliment, I really appreciate it Harlan. š