Do you hate your fat? Do you look at yourself in the mirror with disdain, look at parts of your body with regret, and put yourself down for eating too much?
Well guess what – when you percolate that strong emotion and “hate your fat” do you know what you’re creating more of? You got it – fat!
What Are You Saying?
If you’re familiar with the law of attraction, whatever you focus on and put emotion behind is what you will attract more of. So if you are continuously focusing on your fat and thinking about:
- how you don’t like it,
- how you want it to go away,
- and how you wish it wasn’t there, you’re putting an awful lot of energy into creating more fat.
That’s right, whatever you focus on is what you will create more of. If you focus on what you don’t like you’re unwittingly creating more of what you don’t like, but you know what this means? It means the opposite is also true, so when you focus on:
- everything that you like about yourself,
- everything that you like about your body,
- and everything that’s going right with your body, you are creating more of what you want in your life.
Heard This Before?
If you’ve done my 31 Days of Loving Yourself Thin series these concepts are not new to you. You know that it’s so much easier to lose weight when you love yourself as you are now and focus on all of the wonderful things that you love about yourself. You see by focusing on what you love, you’ll create more of those loving experiences in your life, and I bet you’d like to have more of those kinds of experiences, right?
By focusing on:
- what you love about yourself,
- the healthy foods you eat,
- and how good it feels to move your body, you will create more of the same!
If You Don’t Believe in LOA
One thing about The Secret is it brought the law of attraction into mainstream consciousness. Other’s have been teaching it long before The Secret, but even if you don’t have any interest in the law of attraction you’re putting yourself in the position to keep your fat hanging around if you continue to hate it, especially if you’re an emotional eater. Why? Because hating your fat doesn’t make you feel good (does it?) and what do us emotional eaters do when we don’t feel good? We want to eat!
Watch This to Learn More
Here’s a video from Abraham-Hicks, one of my favorite teachers of the law of attraction. The video is part 2 of a 5 part series and I chose this one to share with you because it’s covers so many points that you can apply to your weight loss and fitness process by changing your focus and changing how you feel.
[youtube lmRep5MXsB0]
Want to Learn Even More?
If you’re interested in learning even more about how the law of attraction works so that you can apply it to attract more of the good stuff like health and wellness in your life, here are 2 books that I highly recommend:
Now here’s to keeping the focus on what you want instead of what you don’t want, loving your body as it is now, and allowing it to become healthier, fitter, and slimmer while taking healthy action. Enjoy!
I firmly believe in the law of attraction and that all our negative self chatter can become a self fulfilling prophesy.
no matter how much we think we dont ‘want’ it to be—-we bring it to ourselves.
great post.
MizFits last blog post..Viewer Mail.
I’m a big believer–it can be hard to retrain yourself to focus on the positive, but it’s totally worth it!
Jens last blog post..Get Out Your Label Maker
You’re so right, it can be one of the most difficult things to retrain your thinking, but it’s so worth it.
I really like what Abraham said in the video above – we continue to think the negative stuff because we’re lazy. đ It’s just easier to keep playing those old tapes.
Jen, are you on Twitter? If you are I’m at – I’d love to see ya on there.
Both are good books!
Mark Salinass last blog post..Healthy/Unhealthy Food Lists
I agree that the thoughts we hold directly impact our results. One of the key shifts I had when I successfully lost weight was to begin asking myself, “What would a thin person do in this situation?” Shifting my thoughts to those of a thin person led to changing my behaviors to those of a thin person, and those changes ultimately affected my weight.
Remember in The Secret how Rhonda Byrne said she can now eat anything she wants and still weigh 116? I think an important point that isnât stated as clearly as it might be is that she no longer wants to eat the kind or quantity of food that would cause her to gain weight. She thinks like a thin person, buys clothes to fit a thin person, and eats the way a thin person does, savoring her food. Her behaviors are aligned with her thoughts, and thinness is the result.
I’ve just recently learned of the law of attraction, within the last year. I wouldn’t say I am a firm believer because I haven’t done enough research or thought about it enough yet, but I definitely see some merit in it. Thanks for the post!
Tonys last blog post..Keep Your Elbows Slightly Bent To Avoid Injury
Hi Joanne,
âWhat would a thin person do in this situation?â…excellent point! It’s like the “act as if” exercise. I have a book about that and I’ve had those thoughts before but it would help for me to have more of them! đ
And I think you’re spot on with your comment about The Secret….I really think that when people say they eat whatever they want and they don’t gain weight that they aren’t eating “whatever” every day and every meal and they also aren’t eating it in mass quantities – thanks for your input, really really good points there.
Hi Tony,
Keep reading about it because what you’ll learn is that the law of attraction works whether you believe in it or not. Everything that you currently have in your life is because you attracted it, we each create our own reality and if one thinks that their reality stinks it’s a good thing to accept that they created it – because that means they have to power to create something else!
Not saying that you don’t like what you’ve created, I don’t know what you’ve got going on (lol), but it really is good stuff to know and it can definitely help you with your fitness and/or weight loss routine, too. đ