When nothing is working for weight loss I know how hopeless this can make you feel.
You can’t help but think that nothing will ever work for you to lose weight and you’ll always be fat. š
Hey! I understand!! I’ve been in that woe is me, doom and gloom mindset before too, but you know what it led to? It only led to more overeating, more poor food choices, more unhealthy, impulsive eating, and more weight gain.
The doom and gloom hopelessness of the “nothing is working for weight loss” mindset is really a trap, and that trap door can stay shut with a deadbolt on it forever, unless you take action to release it.
You CAN Break Free, If You Want To
What makes it even worse is the spiral of doom and gloom of all of those negative thoughts you end up thinking which are directly tied to the hopeless, helpless feelings.
All of those thoughts of:
- I’m not good enough
- I can’t do it
- I can’t lose weight
- I’m a failure
- I’m ugly
- I’m a loser (and I’m not losing weight)
- I am hopeless
- I can’t stop eating
- Nobody cares anyway, so let’s just eat [fill in the blank with all of the foods you eat that you know will never help you lose weight, but they are your pity party binge foods that are super easy to turn to because of the downward spiral of negative thinking….]
Whew! That’s a lot to deal with, and have you ever noticed that your weight doesn’t improve when you’re stuck in the space of “nothing is working for weight loss”?
When Nothing Is Working for Weight Loss… Look HERE First
So what can you do when nothing is working for weight loss for you personally?
Where’s the first place to look?
WARNING: you might not like the answer but it’s the best answer there is: you must start by looking At Yourself.
Yep, look at yourself FIRST when nothing is working for weight loss.
Because weight loss in and of itself is pretty simple. You must change your eating habits, change what you are eating, change how much you are eating, heal the emotional eating, heal the binge eating, and get normal with food.
And of course, you need the BIGGEST piece of the puzzle: a weight loss mindset. Without the right mindset you’re missing 92.8% of the solution to successful weight loss.
So when you have the right eating steps in front of you, and when you have the right coaching to help you shift your mindset into a weight loss mindset, then all you need to do is follow the instructions. Keep it simple, listen to your coach, and like I’ve heard from my Inner Self Diet coaching clients since 2009, you don’t even have to believe it will work for you, you just have to follow the steps and do it.
But this is the same thing you must do if you’re attempting to follow another food diet all alone, by yourself. You must follow the instructions.
And this is where the majority of people get off track.
Because everyone wants to lose weight, but most don’t want to change their eating habits in order to lose weight. They want the results, without the work.
This is why diet pills are so insanely popular: because they promise an easy fix without the work.
But what results do you really end up with?
Any diet pills that give you results come hand-in-hand with side effects. This is why they’re only a short-term fix (without fixing the real problem).
Other diet pills that promise perfection without any real results… well, they don’t work to help you lose weight either, do they. Which really only feeds your feelings of hopelessness about losing weight because it’s just one more thing that you can add on the pile of “nothing is working for weight loss”…
So Where Do You Go From Here?
All of the above can really be a muck mire because it’s easy to keep going in the same circles of struggle, while feeling more and more hopeless and helpless.
The one thing in the above though, that SHOULD be highlighted is the point about getting the right mindset and listening to your permanent weight loss coach.
If you just do these two things, then you will break free of the cycle of hopelessness and helplessness, and you will stop staying that nothing is working for weight loss for you.
Weight Loss WORKS once you have the right mindset. But the right mindset will never be found in a diet pill, and the right weight loss mindset will not be found in a food diet next Monday.
The fastest path to a weight loss mindset (which is 92.8% of the solution to your weight loss woes) is through coaching, if you can find the right weight loss coach.
You need to learn new skills for dealing with the stresses of life without turning to food to cope, and a new mindset is required in order to accomplish this.
Once you have the right mindset in place then you will be able to:
- Stop binge eating
- Stop emotional eating
- Stop night-time stuffing
- Stop late-night compulsive TV eating
- Stop sabotaging your weight loss
- Follow the healthy eating plan that you already know works for your body
- Lose weight with ease
What stops you from doing all of the above now is the right mindset. Your MIND is 92.8% of the key to your lasting success with your weight. If you want to unlock the success keys of your mind so that you can stop feeling hopeless about your weight (and make real weight loss progress for yourself, finally!) then coaching is the fastest path to these results.
Since 2009 I’ve been coaching smart, successful women (and a few cool men!) to struggle-free weight loss using my proven step-by-step system. If you are serious about ending your food and weight battles for good and you want my help to do this then take your first step now: apply for a weight loss discovery session and let’s see if or how I can help YOU stop saying that “nothing works for weight loss” for me ever. You won’t say this anymore once you have the right mindset in place.
Click here to get started now.