The Definition of Insanity in Weight LossYou might have heard of the definition of insanity by Einstein before but what about the definition of insanity in weight loss and what if unknowingly, it’s been holding you back?
Well here’s the thing: it can be pretty frustrating when you’ve been struggling a lifetime with your eating and your weight when you know what you should be doing to lose weight but you’re not doing it. You might even be like some of my weight loss coaching clients who were gym owners, raw food chefs or registered dietitians.
These are women who knew the mechanics of dieting, but they could not get into the success lane with their weight loss even though they had all of the dieting knowledge they needed to succeed.
A big problem is that the mainstream diet industry does not address the root issues that motivate your overeating and unhealthy lifestyle habits. The real problems go beyond physical diet and exercise steps.
Let’s take a look and begin with the basic definition of insanity (from Einstein), and then we’ll look at the definition of insanity in weight loss…..
The Definition of Insanity
The official definition of insanity is brought to us by Albert Einstein, it goes like this:
“The definition of insanity is continuing to do the same thing over and over again while expecting different results.” ~ Albert Einstein
But how does the definition of insanity apply to the topic of weight loss?
The Definition of Insanity in Weight Loss
So what is the definition of insanity in weight loss?
The definition of insanity in weight loss is doing the same things over and over again to lose weight, even though it’s not working. This can be hard to catch though, unless you step back and look at what you’re doing in general.
For example, you might think that you haven’t been doing the same thing over and over again to lose weight because you’ve tried ten different diets over the past 20 years. You might think that since they were ten different diets, you didn’t do the same thing over and over again and get the same results (maybe some weight loss, but the weight always came back, and I get it! I went through that before too) because you tried ten different diets.
When Dieting Over and Over Again Doesn’t Work
This might look like you’ve tried ten separate ways to lose weight and none of them worked, but if you step back and look at what you did in general (mainstream food diets) then you can see that just like millions of women out there, you’ve dieted over and over again, which is doing the same thing over and over again.
Today, if you’re still working on reaching your weight loss goal, and if you are about to do another food diet, does it make sense that you’re going to do the same thing you did before that didn’t work?
What’s the Solution Then?
Before I give you the solution to successful weight loss I wish to make it clear that YES, you do need to change your eating and exercise habits in order to lose weight and keep it off. A lifestyle change is required in order to lose weight for good.
So I’m not saying that a healthy diet change is not required because it absolutely is. What I am saying is when you’ve been struggling a lifetime with weight loss and unhealthy eating habits, and you’ve tried dieting over and over and over again, only to end back up in the same place of struggle (or worse, at an even higher weight) then does it make sense that something is missing?
What if you’re missing the key ingredient to successful weight loss? And what if that key ingredient is not included in mainstream diets?
The Key Ingredient for Your Weight Loss Success
The key ingredient for your weight loss success (which is the ingredient you won’t find in any mainstream food diet) is the focus on a core and necessary mindset shift.
Change your MIND and then you’ll be able to change your body, with ease.
The mindset piece is something you’ll never find any mainstream diet addressing, and mindset is 92.8% of the solution to lasting weight loss. If you don’t shift your thinking and your beliefs about food, about yourself, about your weight loss journey, about your weight loss competence, about your self-esteem, self-worth, self-image and more…. if you don’t address your Inner World then you are missing 92.8% of what you need to succeed with your weight.
Yes! Mindset really is this important! This is why I coach my awesome clients through my proven step-by-step system The Inner Self Diet, which is specifically the diet you need to address your mind, which is where all weight loss (or weight gain) begins.
Everything starts with a thought and the way you think absolutely will determine how successful (or not) you will be with your weight. For example, if you believe “Weight loss is too hard for me” then guess what will happen? Weight loss will definitely be too hard for you, not necessarily because it’s difficult but because you will do things that will make weight loss impossible to achieve so that your belief will be proven to be right.
A good question to ask yourself is “Would I rather be right or would I rather be happy?”. Most are more interested in being right, which is why it’s so critical to shift your mindset. If you don’t shift your negative beliefs then you will prove them to be right, and then…. how will you succeed with your weight?
Get a weight loss mindset and you will set yourself free. You will set yourself free from the hamster wheel of insanity, continuing to do the same things over and over again while expecting your results to change.
Get on the Fast Track to a Weight Loss Mindset
Does it make sense that the old way is not a winning path to your weight loss goals? Because after all…. if what you’ve done over and over again up until this point had worked, then why would you be reading these words now, right? đ
What if you were to do something completely different now? What if you were to address the root of your overeating?
What if you could heal emotional eating, binge eating, and yo-yo dieting?
This is possible if you address your mindset because mindset is 92.8% of the solution to weight loss that lasts. Once you get a weight loss mindset then doing the things you need to do to live a healthy lifestyle becomes effortless. There’s no more fighting against yourself and your urges to go off track but this is the result of changing your mindset. Traditional dieting which focuses only on changing your food and exercise won’t give you the results I’m outlining here.
If you want to stop struggling with your eating and your weight and it makes sense to you that mindset is the key then apply now for a complimentary weight loss discovery session with me. This is for you if you’re serious about breaking free of the ongoing struggle and if it makes sense that going back to do the same things you did before will be the definition of insanity. Instead you have the option to do something different so that you can get different results.
Click here to apply now!
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