Happy June 01! What if you could lose 60 pounds by the end of this year?
How awesome would that be?!
There's still time to get to your goal weight before the end of the year, as long as you have 60 pounds or less to lose.Click To Tweet
Why 60 pounds or less?
Because there’s only so much time and a reasonable, healthy weight loss of 2 pounds per week would be fantastic. When we do the math, there are 30 weeks left in the year, therefore if you have more than 60 pounds to lose before you get to your goal weight then there’s not enough time to get to goal BUT getting 60 pounds off before the end of the year would be a fantastic accomplishment, don’t you agree?
But There’s a Problem….
But the problem is…. you’ll only get there if you do it, and you wanna know what will stop you from doing it?
Your mindset. You see… if you don’t have a weight loss mindset then you’re missing 92.8% of the solution if you really want to succeed with your weight. You have to change your mind to change your body, IF you want weight loss to work and if you want it to last.
If you get your head right then weight loss because easy, it really does. It’s all of your thinking, worrying, doubting and lack of believing that sends you right back to the food. I know! I’ve been there before too!
And yes, of course there is a chemical component to this, processed food is highly addictive. Refined sugar has been proven to be even more or just as addictive as cocaine. An even bigger problem though is that processed food is legal! You can get it any time, almost anywhere, and no one is going to come after you for consuming it!
But the scale will come after you in the end…. we all know this to be true.
Lose 60 Pounds Before the End of The Year
You really can lose 60 pounds before the end of the year but there’s another problem to consider first.
Another big problem is that after years of battling emotional eating, food addiction, binge eating and yo-yo dieting, all of these problems, your inability to control yourself, to control your eating, when it seems like weight loss should be so simple… all of your failures to lose weight massively impact your mindset, self-esteem, and belief that you can lose any weight at all.
It’s the mental and emotional anguish that piles on over the years and if you don’t change your mindset about the overall topic of weight loss, food, eating, and lifestyle changes, then it’s quite impossible to lose weight and keep it off.
You might be able to force yourself through to lose some weight and maybe you can even white-knuckle it long enough to get to your goal weight but without the right mindset, without the fundamental shift within to align your mind and emotions with the weight loss you crave for your body… if you don’t address the 92.8% then you end up hitting that emotional wall and bouncing right back into those old patterns of food and eating.
It can happen so fast you don’t even know what happened to take you off track again…
There Is Another Way
If you take the journey of healing your eating and becoming thin within, you can break free of the back and forth battle that has never ended for you.
This is the work that I’ve been coaching weight loss clients through since 2009 and when they just follow my proven system they break free within 8 weeks or less. It can be very hard to believe this is possible when you’re stuck in the muck but if you have enough belief that you are worth a little bit of time to heal a lifetime of struggle with food and your weight then you really can get to the other side of this.
Once you do that then it becomes struggle-free to lose weight. This means that you’re able to do all of the things you need to do to live a healthy lifestyle and it feels like it’s “no big deal”. This only happens after shifting your mindset. It doesn’t happen overnight but it happens step-by-step, just following the proven steps I’ve walked my previous coaching clients through.
Get your mind in the right place and then you’re able to lose weight struggle-free. This means that your overeating is healed as well.
If you’d love to stop wondering why you’re so successful in every other area of your life but you can’t seem to master this one area of your life regarding your eating and your weight then apply now for a complimentary weight loss discovery session with me.
This is for you if you are serious about reaching your goal weight before the end of the year and you have less than 60 pounds to lose (there’s only so much time left in the year and you have to do the math on what’s possible before 2025). Or, if you have more than 60 pounds to lose and you understand you can get 60 pounds off before the end of the year and then you’ll have further to go in the new year, then that’s Ok as long as this makes sense to you.
Click here to start the application process. It’s your first step towards freedom from the struggle.