How to Feel 10X Better in 7 Days or Less and Start Losing Weight | Free Weight Loss Podcast JoLynn BraleyToday we’re going to cover how to feel 10X better in seven days or less and start losing weight (yay!). Just listen in to episode #182 of The JoLynn Braley Show to get the deets immediately!

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How to Feel 10X Better in Seven Days or Less and Start Losing Weight

So how would it feel? Just imagine…. if seven days from now you could feel 10X better than you do right now.

What would this do for you? Especially if you’re like the majority of the millions of overweight and obese who regularly feel:

  • No motivation to lose weight
  • A lack of excitement to get out of bed in the morning
  • Overall self-loathing and denial about how bad their out-of-control eating really is

Free eBook Fearless Fat Loss

This is the real deal: there’s a reason that the anti-depressant industry is a billion dollar industry. What if there’s a better way?

DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor and in no way am suggesting that by reading this article or by listening to my podcast that anyone should change their medications without consulting their doctor.

What I am saying is that based on my personal experience, what you feed your body and especially what you feed your MIND every day is what is going to determine how you feel emotionally, and physically.

Address The Root Problem to Lose Weight for Good

While podcast #182 provides a simple physical solution you can act on immediately to feel 10X better in seven days or less and start losing weight, you must address 92.8% of the solution to your overeating and overweight struggles if you want to lose weight and keep it off for good.

If you avoid addressing the root problems that drive your unhealthy overeating behaviors then even if you implement my suggestion in today’s free weight loss podcast then you’ll more than likely end up backsliding anyway.

I’m not sharing this with you to be a downer but instead am sharing this with you to give you an insight into why you haven’t been able to lose weight and keep it off.

If you don’t address and heal the root problems that are driving your unhealthy eating and lifestyle behaviors then your results with your weight cannot transform long term. You’re fighting a battle you can never win.

How to Feel 10X Better in Seven Days or Less and Start Losing Weight [Podcast #182]

In this episode of The JoLynn Braley Show:

  • Get my super simple steps to feel 10X better in seven days or less and start losing weight!
  • Discover the main road block that will stop you from taking action with the simple steps I offer you on today’s free weight loss podcast
  • Your first step if you are serious about making core change within your Inner Self to empower yourself to lose weight and keep it off!

Grab pen and paper to take full advantage of this free weight loss podcast.  

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Free Weight Loss Podcast | The JoLynn Braley Show

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Tip The JoLynn Braley Show on iTunes | Best Weight Loss Podcast | Permanent Weight Loss Coach JoLynn Braley | Emotional Eating Help | Weight Loss PodcastHow to Tip The JoLynn Braley Show: leave us a rating and a review in iTunes (click here to go there now). You’ll need to be logged in to your free iTunes account and once you are, simply subscribe to The JoLynn Braley Show and then leave us a virtual tip in our virtual tip jar by rating the show and leaving your written review. When you do this you are paying it forward. What does this mean? It means that you will be helping all of those other people who are frustrated, struggling and feeling bad about their body to Find The FREE JoLynn Braley Show and learn that there is another way.

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What About YOU?

What if you could finally stop binge eating for good?

How Good would you feel if you really could do this?

If you’d love to stop asking yourself “Why am I so smart and successful professionally BUT I can’t lose weight?!” then click here to apply for a one-on-one complimentary weight loss discovery session with JoLynn.  This is for YOU if you’re serious about putting an end to the struggle once and for all.


Go ahead and  use the social media sharing buttons to share this valuable, FREE Weight Loss Podcast with your friends. With over 78 million overweight or obese in the US, you definitely have friends and followers who desperately need help to end their emotional eating. Share this page to help them learn that they DON’T have to keep struggling all alone!

How to Feel 10X Better in Seven Days or Less and Start Losing Weight [Podcast #182]