When Shame is a Good Thing for Your Weight Loss MotivationThis may sound counterintuitive but what if shame could be used for GOOD in your life?
What if Shame could be a positive motivator for your weight loss?
What if that feeling of shame could propel you forward towards your best body ever, instead of keeping you stuck in the loop of endless emotional eating?
The thing is… shame is the lowest emotion there is, it’s even lower than fear, but this does not mean that shame is bad. No emotion is bad.
What’s bad is when you get stuck in an emotion and then take action from that emotion, rather than just feeling it, letting it go, and moving on without taking unhealthy action due to that emotion.
What Does Shame Have to Do With Weight Loss?
So what in the world does shame have to do with weight loss?
Isn’t shame a bad thing to avoid? Aren’t the megaphones telling you to feel proud of being overweight, out of shape, obese and addicted to processed foods?
Well there is a storyline out there today which tells you you should be proud to be obese and out-of-control eating with low energy to get through the day. That storyline tells you that everyone should be ecstatic for the wonderful job you’re doing of gaining weight, harming your body, and feeling so bad about how you look that you avoid your reflection at any chance you get.
This storyline doesn’t make a lot of sense if you understand that the human body is not meant to be carrying around loads of extra weight. If you understand how hard that is on your heart, on your knees, on your feet, on your joints and your internal organs, not to mention how hard it is on your mental and emotional health. But the storyline continues because it gives some a way out to give up and keep on eating.
Hey, I totally and completely understand how hard it is to change, and especially how hard it it to “give up your food” and change your eating. But that doesn’t mean it’s good or healthy to be overweight, obese, and just plain out of shape. That doesn’t mean that you should lie to yourself about how you really feel about your weight and tell yourself you’re proud and happy about it when you’re really not.
It would be a much better path to take to allow yourself to feel any shame you feel about how far out of shape you’ve really gotten and then use that shame to motivate you to change. Shame is not bad if you use it to get moving and begin making progress towards your best life in your best body.
Let’s Get Real: When Shame is a Good Thing for Your Weight Loss Motivation [Podcast #559] Get Real Ep #127
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In this episode of The JoLynn Braley Show you’ll learn:
- Why the emotion of shame can actually be a good thing, to get you motivated and moving towards your best body ever.
- Why it’s Ok to feel any negative emotion, you just don’t want to get stuck there.
- Why it’s so important to heal the root of your symptoms (your overweight is a symptom) to create a true change in your eating, so that you can lose weight for good.
Click the play button below to start listening to listen in now and get my full list of my Top 9 Weight Loss Tips to celebrate nine years of The JoLynn Braley Show when you click here.
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Who Else Wants to Lose Weight For Good?
If you want to lose weight for good, which means to keep it off, you need to heal the root of your overeating problems. Unfortunately a food diet cannot do this for you.
Healthy eating plans are great if you need to learn HOW to live a healthy lifestyle but their job is only to address the eating plan – they don’t address the emotional and mental connections you have to food, therefore they set you up to fail.
In order to set yourself up for success you need to heal the root of the problem and the root of the problem is not the food, nor is the root of the problem your overweight. Your overweight is the symptom and the food is the tool you use to either avoid your emotions, stuff your emotions, avoid making decisions, get through life, or maybe food is the only thing you have to look forward to.
You could also be using food as a crutch or for other reasons I have not listed yet (this is a complicated problem, another reason food diets have failed you) but the path to heal the root is a proven path that works no matter what is driving your out-of-control eating.
So did you know that the fastest way to get from where you are to where you want to be is with coaching? Coaching with the right coach who has the proven step-by-step system that works is the way to go if you want to the other side of this as quickly as possible.
If you’re serious about losing weight for good and it makes sense that you need to stop binge eating so that you can achieve freedom to lose all the weight you want, and if you want to do this as fast as possible, then apply now for a complimentary weight loss discovery session. It’s your first step towards the breakthrough you need so that you can gain control and lose weight for good.
- Read what Graduates of The Inner Self Diet™ have to say about their struggle-free weight loss Results.
- Listen to what Graduate of The Inner Self Diet™ have to say about their struggle-free weight loss Results.
![Let\'s Get Real: When Shame is a Good Thing for Your Weight Loss Motivation [Podcast #559] Get Real Ep #127](https://fearlessfatloss.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/559-get-real-shame-pin.jpg)