Special Interview with Jumika Robinson, Mindset Transformation AdvocateIf you’re a long time listener of The JoLynn Braley Show, especially if you’ve been listening since 2013, then you already know how critically important your mindset is to your weight loss goals.

But what if changing your mindset is the key to any goal you may have in life? And what if your mindset is the number one key to becoming a positive force of change in this world?

What if healthy, positive, mindset transformation is what is needed to make a real difference in this world we are living in today?

Listening to the Voice of Reason: Special Interview with Jumika Robinson [Podcast #399]

In this special episode of  The JoLynn Braley Show listen in as JoLynn interviews up-and-coming motivational speaker and mindset transformation advocate Jumika Robinson. Hear Jumika’s view on the current events in the world ranging from the death of George Floyd, the novel coronavirus, and even more. Hear Jumika answer the question “WHY is it so critical that you take action to transform your mindset now?”

In this week’s episode you’ll hear:

Free eBook Fearless Fat Loss

  • Where to start when changing your mindset.
  • How each person on the planet can contribute to a positive ripple effect, rather that contributing to the opposite.
  • What to do when everyone doesn’t agree with you or everyone doesn’t like you.

Simply click the play button on the player on this page and you can listen in instantly listen in.

To connect with Jumika click here and join her email list. Stay updated as she continues to motivate, inspire, and share her gems of inspiration and common sense!

Listen In Below to The JoLynn Braley Show!

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Free Weight Loss Podcast | The JoLynn Braley Show

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After you subscribe on iTunes then go ahead and rate the show! I believe that this is a 5 Star show as we’re talking about the Real Issues of why you’ve never achieved lasting success with your weight, which is impossible to do unless you address and heal the Root Cause of the problem.

I’d also love to read your feedback on iTunes! Give us a testimonial after you give the show a 5-star rating and tell me in your iTunes feedback what your biggest Aha is that you’ve gotten from The JoLynn Braley Show!

Read Below If You Want to Avoid Having Another Problem You Don’t Need

One of my Inner Self Diet coaching clients I’m currently coaching asked herself many years ago when going through a very difficult time in her life, “Do I really need another problem??”.

Her answer was no. Hell NO.

While that very challenging time she was living through was not about her weight, she now reminds herself that she doesn’t need another problem to deal with once the novel coronavirus has passed or once any other challenge in her life has passed.

But what about you? If you’re like the majority of emotional eaters alive today, your emotional eating has gone through the roof as a result of the uncertainty you’ve been living under due to the pandemic. Not only that but your eating has become even more out-of-control because you’re working from home now and you’re not wearing pants.

Yep, no pants or wearing sweatpants all day are a super easy way to pack on the pounds. Couple that with “no one can see me-itis” and it’s so very easy to keep overeating, get caught up in even heavier emotional eating, and keep putting off weight loss because who knows…. “maybe I’ll be working from home for the next year or more”.

Can you imagine how much you could weigh by the time you get through this?

If you’ve been putting off coaching all these years and now you can see you desperately need help to stop overeating, quit emotional eating, and break free of binge eating, then if you want my help to make it happen in eight weeks or less then start with a complimentary weight loss discovery session now.

Coaching is the fastest path to get from where you are, to where you want to be.  If you are ready to let your frustrating, depressing, food and weight struggles go then start with a complimentary weight loss discovery session (yay!).

This is for YOU if you’d love to stop wondering, “Why am I so smart and successful professionally BUT I can’t get it together to just lose the weight? It should be simple because I know what to do, but I can’t get myself to do it….”

Click here to apply now and start feeling hopeful that you can change, too.

What’s your biggest weight loss challenge? Tell me about it in the comments below. You’ll be helping me create my next product or service!

What’s your Biggest Aha you’ve received from this week’s podcast? Share it in a comment below!

Please use the social media sharing buttons to share this valuable free information with your friends. With over 78 million overweight or obese in the US, you definitely have friends or followers in your network who desperately need help now. They’ll thank you for the free weight loss podcast!

Listening to the Voice of Reason: Special Interview with Jumika Robinson [Podcast #399]