>>> Have you gotten jaded by all of the silly weight loss tips out there that don't ever pan out? Grab my top 21 weight loss tips that do work because they're super practical. Nab 'em here now! www.21PracticalWeightLossTips.comOriginal copyrighted content published August 25, 2016 at https://fearlessfatloss.com/podcast/weight-loss-myth-busting-is-it-really-possible-to-enjoy-your-weight-loss-journey"> >>> Have you gotten jaded by all of the silly weight loss tips out there that don't ever pan out? Grab my top 21 weight loss tips that do work because they're super practical. Nab 'em here now! www.21PracticalWeightLossTips.comOriginal copyrighted content published August 25, 2016 at https://fearlessfatloss.com/podcast/weight-loss-myth-busting-is-it-really-possible-to-enjoy-your-weight-loss-journey"> Myth Busting: Is It REALLY Possible to Enjoy Your Weight Loss Journey? [Podcast #191] - Fearless Fat Loss

Myth Busting: Is It Really Possible To Enjoy Your Weight Loss Journey? | Free Weight Loss PodcastIf you’re like most who are struggling to lose weight you believe weight loss is hard, difficult, or impossible to succeed at. But what if this is only a myth? Is it really possible to enjoy your weight loss journey?

We’re myth busting the weight loss myth on today’s free weight loss podcast, the myth that weight loss must be hard, that weight loss must be horrendously difficult, and that weight loss only works for other people, that it’s impossible for you.

Oh yeah, and of course the myth that weight loss is just a big pain in the butt.

What if all of these thoughts…. are just thoughts?

What if weight loss being hard is only a myth you’ve created with your own thinking, because you’ve believed what all the others who are also struggling have said about it?

In other words, you’re not getting your information from anyone who has effortlessly lost weight. You’re not talking to anyone who enjoyed their weight loss journey and kept the weight off, right?

Free eBook Fearless Fat Loss

Instead you’re commiserating with other people who have the same complaints about weight loss that you do. And these conversations are your proof you hang on to that weight loss cannot be enjoyable and it must be the most miserable thing you could ever do.

Is It REALLY Possible to Enjoy Your Weight Loss Journey?

But what if these conversations and stories are only that? Stories.

What if it could be just as easy to lose weight as it is for you to overeat?

What if you are missing the mindset required to make weight loss enjoyable and therefore, any thoughts you have about the possibility of enjoying your weight loss journey are filtered through the lense of negativity that you’ve got set up in your brain?

Therefore, if your lense were new and different, then doesn’t it make sense that your view of weight loss could become new and different?

Myth Busting: Is It REALLY Possible to Enjoy Your Weight Loss Journey? [Podcast #191]

The truth is whatever you believe to be true will be true For YOU.

If you believe that weight loss is impossible, you are correct.

If you believe that weight loss is drudgery, you will make it so.

On the other hand, if you have a weight loss mindset and you believe that you can enjoy your weight loss journey, then you will! It’s all about how you think about it.

You will prove your decision to be correct. And the main thing to take away and consider is the fact that your weight loss journey (and your weight loss results) all comes down to your mindset.

Mindset is 92.8% of the challenge. Without a weight loss mindset it’s extremely difficult to even get started on your weight loss journey, and it’s super easy to quit.

With a weight loss mindset you become inspired from within to take healthy action as you genuinely enjoy the steps you take to get to your goal weight. Go about weight loss like this and does it make sense that you’d also be able to maintain your goal weight?

These are the results I help my weight loss coaching clients get by guiding them through my proven step-by-step weight loss system The Inner Self Diet. Get a weight loss mindset and you’ll be home free when it comes to your weight loss journey, and you’ll be able to enjoy it!

In this episode of The JoLynn Braley Show:

  • Let’s myth bust the thought that weight loss must be a horrible drudgery and a big pain in the butt!
  • What you would need to change to make it possible to enjoy your weight loss journey
  • What you can do if you are serious about getting all the way to your goal weight, without self-sabotage, and staying there

Grab pen and paper to take full advantage of this free weight loss podcast.  

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Free Weight Loss Podcast | The JoLynn Braley Show

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Tune in for next week’s episode: 3 Reasons you can’t stick with your weight loss plan for more than 7 days

If you struggle to stick with your weight loss plan for more than 7 days you’re not alone. A large percentage of emotional eaters and binge eaters cannot get through the first 3 days without giving in to their urges to overeat. This is because they are lacking the missing piece that makes weight loss work.

Listen in for more on next week’s free weight loss podcast episode!

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Tip The JoLynn Braley Show on iTunes | Best Weight Loss Podcast | Permanent Weight Loss Coach JoLynn Braley | Emotional Eating Help | Weight Loss PodcastHow to Tip The JoLynn Braley Show: leave us a rating and a review in iTunes (click here to go there now). You’ll need to be logged in to your free iTunes account and once you are, simply subscribe to The JoLynn Braley Show and then leave us a virtual tip in our virtual tip jar by rating the show and leaving your written review. When you do this you are paying it forward. What does this mean? It means that you will be helping all of those other people who are frustrated, struggling and feeling bad about their body to Find The FREE JoLynn Braley Show and learn that there is another way.

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When Will Now Be The Right Time for YOU to Lose Weight for Good?

What if you could achieve successful weight loss? Not just lose weight temporarily (anyone can do that) but actually keep the weight off? How good would that feel? What would this do for you?

How could would you feel if you could stop binge eating, stop emotional eating, and stop yo-yo dieting for good?

If you’d love to stop asking yourself “Why am I so smart and successful professionally BUT I can’t lose weight?!” then click here to apply for a one-on-one complimentary weight loss discovery session with JoLynn.  This is for YOU if you’re serious about putting an end to the struggle once and for all.


Go ahead and  use the social media sharing buttons to share this valuable, FREE Weight Loss Podcast with your friends. With over 78 million overweight or obese in the US, you definitely have friends and followers who desperately need help to end their emotional eating. Share this page to help them learn that they DON’T have to keep struggling all alone!

Myth Busting: Is It REALLY Possible to Enjoy Your Weight Loss Journey? [Podcast #191]