High self-esteem is the cornerstone of every area of your life and if you already have high self-esteem then you probably won’t have much interest in this website Fearless Fat Loss.
Why? Because if you were already rockin’ a life in high self-esteem you’d have the accompanying self-worth, inner integrity, and bottom-line respect for YOU to live in a body that you completely love and adore. A fit, healthy, sexy body.
However it is possible that you do have high self-esteem and are overweight and therefore the reason you are here is because you are seeking a step-by-step action plan that will get you the results you believe you deserve to have: a fit, healthy, sexy body (more on that later in this article…).
Or you could have high self-esteem if you totally and completely love your body without reservation are 100% happy with your weight whether you are overweight or at your ideal weight, have a rockin’, healthy, loving relationship with food, and you have no negative thoughts or negative beliefs about your body, your weight, food, drink, or the like. And in addition, if you remain in 100% integrity and respect with yourself at all times, then you are already living with high self-esteem.
You are going for it in your life.
You are living your dream.
Living with high self-esteem you are passionate about getting out of bed each day, excited about what the day will bring, and you are in love with you. You are in love with life. You are in love, love, love and your work, your relationships, your environments, your thoughts, your creativity, and most especially your body reflects the love you live in.
This doesn’t mean that you never have any challenges, however high self-esteem gives you the core confidence that no matter what comes your way, you can handle it.
You can handle the challenges and set-backs and when you feel down you have confidence that it’s only temporary – it’s only a feeling after all. You certainly don’t abuse your body or abuse food even when you hit a roadblock in life or experience a down moment. Living with high self-esteem you wouldn’t even think of doing such a thing – would you ever abuse your very best friend?? Of course not!
5 Ways High Self-Esteem Makes Weight Loss Easy
“Men and women who enjoy high self-esteem have an active orientation to life rather than a passive one. They take full responsibility for the attainment of their desires. They do not wait for others to fulfill their dreams.” – Nathaniel Branden How To Raise Your Self-Esteem
High self-esteem makes weight loss easy. It’s not a struggle because a person with high self-esteem does not blame others for their issues. Instead they are solution oriented and seek out
1.) You look at your weight gain for what it is. When you have high self-esteem you do not identify your overweight as YOU. You don’t internalize the fact that you gained weight and draw the faulty conclusion that you are defective and wrong because you gained weight.
Here’s a great example: one of my friends has had 3 children and with each child she gained 15-20 pounds.
Her self-esteem was not at all affected by the weight gain and she easily shed the weight within a few months after giving birth.
She never internalized her weight gain as being “about her”, she did not take her weight gain on as her identity. Additionally, she didn’t use being pregnant as an excuse to gain 100 pounds or use having children as an excuse for being overweight. Instead she looked at her weight gain for was what it was (because she was pregnant, makes sense!) and she had full confidence that she could handle it appropriately. Which she did.
2.) You believe you deserve to live in a fit, healthy, sexy body. Unless you believe you deserve to live in your ideal body you will not attain it or if you ever do reach your goal weight, it will not last.
When you have high self-esteem, at your core you have the unshakable belief that you deserve to live in the body of your dreams. Since you are rooted in your belief, you will not sabotage yourself.
This means that you won’t sabotage yourself during the holiday season, on vacation, when “the outer world” doesn’t react the way you want it to, or at any other time.
You wouldn’t sabotage your very best friend from attaining their dream and since you have high self-esteem you treat YOU like you treat your very best friend, which is easy for you to do because you believe you deserve to be thin, fit, healthy and strong. Therefore, you take the time you need to live a healthy lifestyle.
3.) You don’t set yourself up to fail with unrealistic goals. It’s a very realistic goal to drop 2 pounds of fat per week – some weeks it will be more and some weeks it will be less but on average that’s a realistic goal.When you have high self-esteem you are nice to yourself, so while you take inspired, healthy action to get the weight off you keep your goals realistic because you expect to meet them.
You love to feel good and it feels good to you to see your fit, healthy, sexy body coming into view in front of your eyes when you look in the mirror. If you were to set yourself up with unrealistic weight loss goals you wouldn’t feel good and you would have a struggle continuing with your process and you don’t put yourself in struggle when you have high self-esteem.
4.) If what you’re doing isn’t working, you doing something else! If the action steps you are taking to get the weight off aren’t giving you the results you want you simply seek out a better action plan, an action plan that has proven results.If you had low self-esteem you would make yourself wrong for not getting the weight loss results you want and you would keep doing the same things over and over again, even though it wasn’t working for you.
If you had low self-esteem you would make YOU the problem and ask, “what’s wrong with ME?”.
Instead, when you have high self-esteem you look at the issue objectively and tell yourself, “I’m doing the best I can and it’s not working. I’ve got the ability to seek out the people and the processes that will get me the results I want because I deserve to reach my goals.” And then, having high self-esteem you would follow through with decisive action and get a new action plan that has been proven to get others the results you seek.
5.) You are open-minded and realize that you do not know it all. Because your self-esteem is so high you are not intimidated by the fact that you do not know it all. You are super smart and have great knowledge in the areas that you do and you’re Ok with realizing that you don’t have the ability to see your own blind spots (no one can) especially your blind spots that are stopping you from losing weight for good.
You’ve seen what coaching with the right coach can do for you in other areas of your life and you want the fastest path to success, therefore you don’t get stuck in the “I have to do it all along” which many with low self-esteem get stuck in.When you realize that what you’ve been doing to lose weight hasn’t been working you seek out those who specialize in getting the results you deserve to have for yourself.
A person with low self-esteem is intimidated easily and feels they should know it all and should be able to do it all on their own.
One with high self-esteem does not allow their ego to take over and they instead focus on the outcome they desire: a fit, healthy, sexy body, and they are willing to get help because they do believe, at the core of their being, that they deserve to have what they want. They will not settle for less than that.
- High self-esteem makes weight loss easy.
- High self-esteem creates ease and flow rather than struggle and “battle”.
- High self-esteem takes action rather than using excuses of time, money, people, or any other outer circumstance.
When you have high self-esteem you’ll go for it in your life and you’ll get what you want in a manner that is for your highest good and the highest good of all. Meaning that high self-esteem does not drive one to get what they want at all costs while causing harm to others – not at all. That would be an act of desperation and only a person of low self-esteem would consider mowing down all others in order to get what they want.
High self-esteem makes it possible for you to create more love, peace, and joy in your life. It allows you to get out of your own way, stop beating yourself up, and treat yourself like you would treat your own best friend.
High self-esteem makes weight loss easy because high self-esteem people seek out the best to help them get what they want.
Why? Because they love themselves enough to know without doubt that they deserve to have exactly what they want: a fit, healthy, sexy body.
What About You?
Leave your comments below and share exactly how your high self-esteem makes weight loss easy for you. Or if you recognize that you have low self-esteem share how that gets in your way of your success.
Shine ON!
Photo by .sandhu
…Oh, you want to know what the frog has to do with a post about high self-esteem? He’s just hangin’ out and feelin’ fine – no worries. When you have high self-esteem you’re happy with yourself just like he’s perfectly happy with himself. Confident, happy, and free.
P.S. Who Else Wants Easy Weight Loss NOW?
Hey, it’s all well and good to read about 5 ways high self-esteem makes weight loss easy but what if you actually want easy weight loss now?
What if you don’t just want to read about easy weight loss but you want to experience it in your day-to-day life?
What if it makes sense to you that you need to raise your self-esteem in order to make weight loss easy but you don’t know how? What if easy weight loss just sounds like a fantasy to you as you’ve been reading this article?
If you want to experience easy weight loss instead of just read about the 5 ways high self-esteem makes weight loss easy then take your first step now: this is your chance to apply for a complimentary weight loss discovery session with me ($397.00 value – FREE)
Click here to apply now but please heed this warning: do not delay because the longer you wait, the easier it is to keep gaining weight.
Besides that there are a limited number of spots available per week. I can only speak with 3 people per week at the very most, some weeks less than that due to time constraints. So apply here now to move forward if you are serious about releasing the struggle and making weight loss easy in your day-to-day experience.
What does this mean? It means that once you step into the struggle-free zone then you’ll be able to live a healthy lifestyle without a fight. Without willpower, and without self-sabotage. All of this is possible once you have the inner game to win with your weight, which means you need the self-esteem in place to make weight loss easy. Click here to apply now!
But such high self-esteem don’t comes from the heaven. And usually it’s to hard to generate it.
It’s sad how many people with low self-esteem end up eating their feelings, become overweight and end up with even lower self-esteem
Eating Your feelings is a dangerous cycle people get in, it’s scary.