31 Days of Loving Yourself Thin
Online DIY Course
Experience the difference Loving Yourself can make in your weight loss journey!
Just ask yourself this: “Is it a loving act to put food in my body when my body is full?” If you’re honest with yourself, the answer is “No”.
When you take action to Love Yourself right now, then it will be easy for you to take action with the healthy eating and exercise information you have collected throughout the years. It’s easy to live healthy when You Love YOU!
31 Days of Loving Yourself Thin, DIY online course, was launched in early 2013 and is currently closed for new enrollments. We are scheduled to release Version 2.0 of 31 Days of Loving Yourself Thin in May 2014.
Click here to Sign Up for early notification and discount for 31 Days of Loving Yourself Thin v2.0
One of the many, necessary ingredients of a weight loss mindset is accepting full, bad-ass, personal responsibility for everything you create in your life. Once you do so, then you will be living from a place of true, personal empowerment.
This personal responsibility includes what you put in your mouth. But first, you must educate yourself because if you’re like most people (and how I used to be) you have no idea what you’re eating! You eat for taste, for packaging, for advertising, and for convenience.
On top of this, you’re not aware of just how that processed food is keeping you fat, and the processed food manufacturers really don’t want you to know about it. They want you hooked like a junkie so you keep coming back!
Once you educate yourself you’ll Get Conscious about exactly what’s in that food you’re eating and then, you can get healthy, if you choose to. Conscious choice is a place of empowerment. Blaming your body, food, or anything/anyone else is the place of victim-hood, which will only serve to keep you stuck, frustrated, and fat. (I know, I’ve been there before!)
This is one of the signs of an F.A.T. Mindset (grounded in Fear Attracting Thoughts). A mindset that matches an overweight lifestyle and an overweight body.
You are invited to Get Conscious and place yourself in a place of conscious choice. The processed food manufacturers, the government, and the grocery stores are not going to help you with this. But the eBook “How Processed Food Is Keeping You Fat” will!
New Products – Coming Soon in 2014!
We have several new products in pre-production, which are lined up for release in 2014. These are specialty products designed to help with specific areas such as:
- Self-Esteem and Your Weight
- Getting started with weight loss
- Emotional eating
- Anger and blame
- Avoiding crisis weight gain
- And much much more…
Be sure and enter your first name and email address in the form at the top of this page to join our ezine community for free updates about the new products and other offerings! We know how busy things can get and our greatest wish for you is that you make YOU a priority so that you can finally put your food and weight struggles to rest.
Prefer the Complete Solution, Including Professional Mentoring?
If you don’t want to wait and you’re ready for the complete solution now so that you can have Freedom from of ALL of your ongoing food & weight struggles in just a short 90 days, then click here to apply for a complimentary weight loss discovery session with JoLynn, certified Master NLP Practitioner and certified master professional coach.
This is your first step towards permanent weight loss, which is what The Inner Self Dietâ„¢ delivers.
The Inner Self Dietâ„¢ is JoLynn’s proprietary, proven, step-by-step mentoring system to permanent weight loss, which always works, if you do the steps.
This is especially for you if you’d LOVE to stop asking yourself, “Why am I so smart and successful but I still can’t lose weight and keep it off?!”. If you purchase diet after diet, product after product, but you are unable to follow through on your own then you’ve never gotten to the root of your ongoing food and weight struggles and healed it.
You realize that the root must be healed before you can break free of the struggle, because no food diet has ever given you permanent weight loss.
You really could be living in freedom from all of your overeating and overweight struggles in what will feel like a blink of an eye. No, you will not release your physical fat overnight (the human body does not function like that) but you WILL release all of your frustrating struggles with emotional eating, compulsive overeating, binge eating, self-sabotage [insert any unhealthy behavior here!], as you release the physical fat at the same time.
Just imagine…what would it feel like to enjoy your fat loss journey and be happy with your body and yourself, before you even get to that goal weight you desire? The mainstream weight loss industry has it backwards: Happiness does not come after you lose weight, it must come before…if you want to make weight loss very easy and maintain your weight for life.
The struggle ends before all of your fat comes off. Which is how it needs to be if you want to experience the easiest weight loss journey possible. Click here to apply now!