Check out the latest update from Sally! She stopped binge eating with The Inner Self Diet and now that she’s graduated my step-by-step proven system, she’s done a video to share her story with you. Sally hopes to help you get inspired to take action to stop binge eating yourself.
Remember: if there is just one person on the planet who has accomplished what YOU want to accomplish, then you can do it too! All you need to do is follow the same steps that they did.
Sally is the same Inner Self Diet member who I talked about on podcast episode number 292 of The JoLynn Braley Show. She’s the one who stopped binge eating instantly, right after enrolling in The Inner Self Diet.
Please Note: Sally’s overnight results are NOT typical. I’ve been a professional coach since 2009, guiding amazing coaching clients through my proven steps of The Inner Self Diet and everyone who has simply followed my steps has achieved struggle-free weight loss in 8 weeks or less.
Ending your food and weight struggles in 8 weeks or less is pretty darned fast when you consider these food and weight struggles are a lifelong problem that start in childhood or as a teen.
My coaching clients have been struggling with binge eating, emotional eating, compulsive overeating, self-doubts, low self-esteem, yo-yo dieting and more for 10, 20, 30 or more years. Achieving freedom in such a short amount of time is very fast, but not until Sally had anyone stopped binge eating right after enrolling in my proven step-by-step system, The Inner Self Diet. Please do not expect to repeat her instant results as Sally is an anomaly compared to my other clients who have ended their binge eating in 8 weeks or less.
She Stopped Binge Eating with The Inner Self Diet
Before enrolling in The Inner Self Diet, Sally used to struggle with binge eating even though she’d lost over 30 pounds in the past.
This is very common: the truth is that anyone can lose weight, you just have to do it. Granted, there’s a healthy way to lose weight, and many unhealthy ways, but if you just take action to consistently live a healthy lifestyle (not a short term diet) meal after meal, then you can lose weight.
But if you don’t change your mindset, you will still struggle. You’ll struggle with fears of weight regain, fears of food, food obsession, binge eating, emotional eating, self-doubts, and on and on and on. The key to freedom is a weight loss mindset.
Getting the right mindset is 92.8% of the solution if you want to end the struggle, stop binge eating, lose weight and keep it off. If you’re OK with struggling, feeling frustrated, hating your body and feeling shame about your eating habits and overweight, then you won’t commit to yourself to getting a weight loss mindset.
Your Next Step: If You Want to Stop Binge Eating For Good
If you’re serious about ending your binge eating and you realize that there is no magic pill (you’re going to need to DO something different to GET different results) and you want the fast track, which means ending your binge eating in 8 weeks or less, then click here for your first step.
Your first step is to apply for a complimentary weight loss discovery session with JoLynn Braley, permanent weight loss coach and founder of The Inner Self Diet.
There is no entrance into The Inner Self Diet without the complimentary weight loss discovery session. It must be determined if it’s a good, mutual fit to work with JoLynn to end your food and weight struggles in 8 weeks or less!
Click here to get started now if you’d love to stop wondering why you’re so smart and successful professionally BUT you’ve never been able to fix your food and weight struggles on your own. But do it now. After all, if you don’t learn how to do something different now, then what will your results be a year from now? [NOTE: the complimentary session with JoLynn is a Limited Time Offer, thanks for your understanding!]