Do do this to yourself: tell yourself you’ll lose weight “tomorrow”.

Guess what – today is the  tomorrow you told yourself  yesterday would  be the day you’d finally change. And, if it’s that much of a struggle for you to follow through then that’s a sign  that you have  not created a core, solid, weight loss mindset.

So why  continue to wait on your weight?  Part of having a weight loss mindset is found in learning to love yourself today. Therefore a good question to ask yourself is what exactly can you do right now to love yourself today? Exactly as you are?

Answer that question for yourself and make it very simple.

Also be sure and sign up in the yellow form below for a complimentary ezine subscription. This  will make you a free member of the Permanent Weight Loss Secrets ezine community and you’ll stay updated on any breaking news about permanent weight loss or about Loving Yourself Thin.

Do that now because it’s a loving thing to do  for YOU!  After all, who wouldn’t want permanent weight  loss?!