Please note: If you don’t have a blog and are not interested in starting a blog please disregard this post and scroll to the bottom for a message from me.
This is a reminder that Yaro Starak’s Blog Mastermind program is now open!
I already posted about this on Sunday and the reason I’m doing so is because I know that many of you have blogs and most bloggers I know are interested in increasing their traffic, RSS subscribers, and much more. I feel that I would be remiss if I did not share this with you.
Blog Mastermind is Now Open
You can go to Yaro’s Blog Mastermind sign up page to check it out and he’s released some more content that you didn’t see in my post on Sunday. Also if you didn’t catch my post on Sunday yet, you can read that now and see how I’ve improved my blog with the Blog Mastermind program!
Additional Content from Yaro
Yaro has released 2 videos that give you the details of how Yaro makes money from blogging. If you’re serious about blogging I suggest you check them out.
Yaro has also posted an interview he did with Alborz Fallah, a highly successful blogger in Australia. This is an inspirational interview that will open up your thinking on just how far you can go with your blog (and Yaro’s Blog Mastermind program can help you do that).
A Note For You Non-Bloggers
If you are reading this and you don’t have a blog, please know that while you’ve seen a couple of extra posts from me over the past few days, I have not posted this many articles in one week in 6 months or more. I don’t have any plans at the moment to make a habit of posting on the weekends but it just worked out like that this weekend.
From time to time you will see me post about blogging and site related topics and while that is rare, if you are not interested in these posts since they do not necessarily relate directly to the topic of fitness for body, mind, and spirit, please simply disregard them.
While I would encourage you to read my site related posts because they are about Fearless Fat Loss, those also will not contain weight loss or health tips and I will still be bringing you your normal reading, even if I post about blogging or topics related directly to this site.
If you have any questions about this or about Blog Mastermind please leave me a comment. And if you sign up for Blog Mastermind, I might end up seeing you over there in the forums!
I really liked his videos but he shares so much information there and on his website that it is hard to imagine what you get when paying.
John’s Weight Loss Blogs last blog post..Progress on Goals for the Week