This post does not contain any health, fitness, or weight loss information so if you don’t have your own blog (or want to start a blog) you can skip it and stay tuned for my 6DMM experiment update that I’ll post on Monday. š
This Post is for ALL Bloggers
Many of you smart readers of Fearless Fat Loss have your own health & fitness blogs and if this is you or if you have a non-health & fitness blog, I have a super recommendation for you: Yaro Starak’s Blog Mastermind program.
Update: The Blog Mastermind Program is now open. Check it out here. He’s opening his program back up again this Tuesday, July 29 after being closed for many months, which I know is true because I’ve done the Blog Mastermind program myself.
If You’re Serious About Blogging
I suggest that if you are interested in improving your blog or starting a new blog that you jump on this opportunity to learn from one of the best in the blogging biz. And just to let you know, when Yaro opens his Blog Mastermind program each cycle the price goes up. Hey, his popularity and influence is growing in the blogosphere so he’s got the right to do that!
Even so I think he could charge 3-4 times as much as he does for the amount of value he delivers. Still, I wish that I had joined Blog Mastermind the first time that I heard about it.
How to Find Out More
Yaro has put together a free Blog Profits Blueprint, a free report that I highly recommend you get even if you have no interest in signing up for his program. He gives you a bunch of valuable blogging tips in his 50+ page report, free tips which you can take and apply to your health & fitness (or any topic) blog. Or if you are really interested in growing your blog I’d hop on over to the Blog Mastermind signup page that Yaro opened today to learn even more.
My Experience with Blog Mastermind
I began the Blog Mastermind program at the end of 2007 and have already created a marked improvement in my blog. And to be completely honest with you, this is without completing all of the lessons yet! Yes, it’s true; I took on too many projects at one time so I still have some lessons to complete, but once you graduate the program you retain lifetime access to the lessons so you can always go back and refresh. So, if you do sign up, you’ll very likely run into me over there in the Blog Mastermind forums.
With that being said, just take a look at the increase in my RSS subscribers over the past 6 months:
As you can see I’ve had a marked rise in my RSS stats and along with that comes an increase in traffic. Traffic and RSS subscribers are 2 main areas that most bloggers wish to improve upon and Blog Mastermind has helped me do this.
Check out The Video
In addition to getting Yaro’s free Blog Profits Blueprint Report I also suggest that you watch his free video. It’s called Conversion Blogging and is chock full of free blogging tips that you can apply to your blog, as well as a way of thinking about blogging that you may not have realized before. You’ll also learn more about Yaro’s background in blogging and why he has so much knowledge to share.
You Must Take Action if you want Different Results
I recently wrote a post about the fact that if you aren’t happy with your weight loss results that you’ve got to take different actions. Well the same is true when it comes to blogging – you must not only take action, but you also must take different action if the actions you’re currently taking aren’t getting you the results that you want.
If you are interested in growing your blog I suggest you take action and get Yaro’s free report now. At the very least you’ll gain some free blogging tips that will inspire you to take successful action on your health & fitness blog (or any blog topic for that matter) and begin creating more fun and success with your blog.
Hi JoLynn!
Thanks for this post! I actually came across Yaro’s blog the other day and was thinking of signing up for his program. Glad to hear some feedback about it.
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Hi Ruthie, glad I could help! š
And if you end up doing Blog Mastermind maybe we’ll see each other over in the forums….which by the way are pretty cool because they are only for BMM members. š
I have downloaded your blog blueprints e-book and really enjoy reading and listening to the mp3 version. I am currently taking the 30 day challenge by Ed Dale which has been a blast. Still have not make any money but I’m in this for the long haul since I don’t consider anything I do online “work” it’s just a big enjoyable learning curve that never ends.
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