Top 10 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Hiring a Weight Loss Coachwoman on couch writing

Are you struggling to make lasting changes in your weight loss journey? Hiring a weight loss coach can help (if you find the right kind of weight loss coach), but before you take that step, it’s important to understand your own needs, challenges, and readiness for transformation.

I’ve put together 10 questions to ask yourself before hiring a weight loss coach. I recommend you grab pen and paper and journal on each of the following questions to get the clearest answers from yourself.

So go ahead and ask yourself these ten questions to determine if you need help, and whether you’re ready to embrace change!

Top 10 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Hiring a Weight Loss Coach

Write each of the following 10 questions pen on paper and answer each question pen on paper as well. Let’s see what you can discover!

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1. What Have I Tried in the Past, and Why Didn’t It Work?

Reflect on your history with diets, exercise plans, and other weight loss attempts. How many years have you been struggling to lose weight (and keep it off). Make a list of everything you’ve done by yourself, include dates and how long these problems have been going on.

Identifying what hasn’t worked (and why) can reveal patterns that a coach can help you break but don’t be hard on yourself if you’re not able to identify exactly why you continue to struggle. None of us can see our own blind spots which is why coaching (with the right coach) is so highly valuable.

2. Am I Stuck in a Cycle of Emotional or Stress Eating?

If you often eat to cope with emotions, stress, or boredom, this could be a key area where professional guidance is essential. Ask yourself if you’re ready to address the underlying causes. This can be tricky because if you’re more committed to your comfort zone then you might be fighting against the weight loss success you could have.

Coaching can help you break free as long as the coaching is focused on what is 92.8% of the problem: your mindset.

3. What Are the Consequences If I Keep Doing What I’m Doing?

Consider the impact of continuing your current habits on your health, energy, confidence, and overall quality of life. Are you okay with staying where you are?

4. Do I Truly Believe I Can Achieve My Weight Loss Goals?

Be honest about your mindset. If you doubt your ability to succeed, a coach can help you shift your beliefs and build confidence in your potential.

5. How Do I Feel About My Relationship with Food?

Is food a source of nourishment and enjoyment, or does it feel like a source of guilt and frustration? Understanding your relationship with food is key to deciding if you need support.

6. Am I Making Excuses for Why I Can’t Succeed Right Now?

Time, stress, or other priorities might feel like obstacles. Ask yourself if these are real barriers or if they’re excuses preventing you from taking action.

7. What Would Change in My Life If I Reached My Goals?

Visualize the benefits of achieving your weight loss goals. Improved health, confidence, energy, and happiness could be waiting for you—but only if you commit to change.

8. Am I Ready to Invest Time and Energy into Myself?

Sustainable weight loss requires effort and consistency. Are you ready to prioritize yourself and put in the work, even when it feels challenging?

9. How Would I Feel If I Had Someone to Guide and Support Me?

Imagine having a coach to hold you accountable, celebrate your wins, and guide you through setbacks. Does this sound like what you’ve been missing?

10. What’s Holding Me Back from Asking for Help?

Be honest about any fears or hesitations. Are you worried about failure, judgment, or stepping out of your comfort zone? Acknowledging these feelings is the first step to moving past them.

Ready to Take the Next Step and Get Real Results?

If these questions resonate with you and you’re ready to stop spinning your wheels and get real results with changing your eating and your weight then it may be time to seek guidance from a weight loss coach. I invite you to apply for a complimentary weight loss discovery session so that together we can identify what’s been holding you back and create a clear plan for achieving lasting results.

Since 2009 I’ve been coaching smart, successful women (and a few cool men!) out of the struggle of binge eating, emotional eating, and yo-yo dieting in eight weeks or less. Once you heal your eating then living a healthy lifestyle becomes struggle-free.

This is not your typical weight loss coaching, which is why it’s so powerful. I help my clients heal the root of their unhealthy eating behaviors in order to achieve alignment between their inner self and their weight loss goals they wish to achieve on the outside. Remember: the inner and the outer always match.

Click here to apply for a complimentary session now. Spots are limited, so don’t wait to take the first step toward the transformation you deserve!

Top 10 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Hiring a Weight Loss Coach