If you’re like most, you would love to be living IN your ideal body right now, right? Well in today’s article we’re going to take a look at the top 9 signs you do not need permanent weight loss coaching for the purpose of helping you get what you want as fast as possible but first… let’s take a look at something very important for you to be aware of, keeping in mind that all change is preceded by awareness.
This very important point is critical to be aware of if you are serious about losing weight and keeping it off forever.
If you are not serious about permanent weight loss then you can skip this whole article because I don’t teach anyone how to yo-yo diet. Yo-yo dieting is far too frustrating and it only takes your self-esteem lower and lower and lower, every time you regain all that weight you lost.
With that being said, here’s the critical point to be aware of: When you want to lose weight but you can’t stop emotional eating, stop compulsive overeating, stop binge eating or stop any other behavior that is in your way of losing weight and keep it off for good, this is a sign that you are likely struggling with a bigger problem that makes it easy to stay stuck.
This bigger problem makes it easy to stay stuck in your overeating patterns and self-sabotaging behaviors, all the while it’s keeping your overweight struggles alive. I would expect that this big problem is a problem you do NOT want to keep around since it’s standing in your way every day of the weight loss success you deeply desire, and deserve.
It’s a struggle that millions who are just like you are also struggling with right now, so you’re not alone in that! But then again, do you want to stay in that camp of the millions who are obese and overweight? (I hope not!)
The good news is that this bigger problem is the problem that keeps your struggle alive, and it only lives within you.
Specifically, this bigger problem all comes down to a thought which is so strong, you believe it. It’s a belief you have that goes like this: “I’ve gotta do everything myself. It’s weak to ask for help”.
Unfortunately, the belief “I can do it all alone” cannot give you the permanent weight loss results you desire. The way to know this is true is by simply looking at your results. Have you ever achieved permanent weight loss all alone?
Your results will not lie. All you need to do is look at your lifetime of struggles with food and your weight and your results will show you the truth. If you can achieve permanent weight loss all alone, then why haven’t you already done it? Is it possible that you have blind spots stopping you? Is it possible that because you cannot see your own blind spots, that this is why you continue to struggle?
Get the right coach in your corner and those blind spots can be eradicated, and quickly! Without coaching, you cannot see what you cannot see.
Does this make sense? After all…. since blind spots are blind to you, how can you see what is stopping you? (make sense?) And then… how can you fix it?
Can you see how you’re fighting a losing battle when you continue to battle all alone, in isolation, without the professional, objective perspective of the right permanent weight loss coach in your corner?
If You could See Your Blind Spots they Wouldn’t Be Blind Spots, Right?
On top of this problem, if you could somehow see the blind spots that are hidden from your view, then you’d also need to be able to solve them if you could see them, but since you can’t see them, does it make sense why you keep struggling?
Maybe it also makes sense why it’s so powerful to work with the right permanent weight loss coach who can see your blind spots, share them With You, and then coach you through the solution that ends your overeating struggles for good. Just imagine being free of the emotional eating, the binge eating, and any food addictions you struggle with. Imagine how easy weight loss would be if these problems could be fixed pronto, right?
Working with the right permanent weight loss coach to get permanent weight loss coaching is the quickest and easiest way to end your overeating struggles.
Whether your problem is with emotional eating, food addiction, sugar addiction, binge eating, yo-yo dieting, lack of motivation, fear of success, self-sabotage, compulsive overeating or some other unhealthy behavior that is stopping you from losing weight and keeping it off, the quickest way to solve your problems is working with the right permanent weight loss coach who can see what’s stopping you and help you fix it quickly.
But there’s still the problem that you have if you’re like the millions who are struggling with overeating and overweight right now, just like you are. The problem is the one mentioned in the first paragraph – it’s your belief that it’s weak to ask for help and that you’ve gotta Do It All Alone.
Somewhere along the way millions were told a lie that it’s faster to do things by yourself, which is not true. Since you cannot see your own blind spots and your blind spots are what are stopping you, then that leaves you pretty stuck, doesn’t it. (I know how frustrating it is, I’ve been there too!)
But what if you are right that you can somehow figure all of this out on your own? What if you are right that you can solve all of your overeating and overweight struggles faster than they would be solved if you were working with the right permanent weight loss coach?
What if you are right that you have all of the answers which will solve all of your unhealthy behaviors quickly and easily even though you don’t have the results to back it up?
How to Find Out if You’re Right that you do NOT need Permanent Weight Loss Coaching
Here’s how to find out if you’re right that you do not need permanent weight loss coaching. Below is a list of the top 9 signs you do NOT need permanent weight loss coaching. Just read the list and if you can answer YES to each of the 9 signs then you are right that you do not need permanent weight loss coaching.
Then if you want to be ultra sure just click here and read the full list of 51 signs you do not need permanent weight loss coaching.
If you can answer YES to all 51 signs on that list then wow, you are definitely rockin’ and rollin’. NOTHING will stop you from losing weight without struggle and keeping it off for life if you can answer “Yes” to all of those 51 signs on that list.
Let’s run through this list of nine on this page now! Below are the top 9 signs you do NOT need permanent weight loss coaching.
It goes without saying that you must be willing to Get REAL with yourself while reading this list. This means you’ve gotta get 100% honest with yourself, and then your answers will show you where you’re at currently when it comes to achieving struggle-free permanent weight loss quickly and easily, all on your own!
The Top 9 Signs You Do NOT Need Permanent Weight Loss Coaching
1.) You have no struggle living a healthy lifestyle 365 days a year no matter what time of year, no matter where you may be and no matter what is going on in your life.
2.) It’s easy for you to live a healthy lifestyle day after day, meal after meal, because it simply feels like it’s Who You ARE.
3.) You are either already at your ideal weight AND you have NO Fear of gaining the weight back, you have inner peace with yourself and your body and full confidence you will maintain your ideal weight for life, OR if you are not at your ideal weight you are on your way there, taking daily action without struggle, without self-sabotage, without emotional eating, binge eating, food addiction or any other unhealthy behaviors in your way. You are living healthy and fit daily and it’s only a matter of time until you reach your ideal weight, AND you have no doubt that you will maintain your ideal weight for life.
4.) Every day you make it a point to feed your mind before feeding your body. You have The Inner Self tools that work to accomplish this and it’s fun and feels GREAT for you to live a lifestyle that puts YOU in control of your mind and emotions, making it easy to keep living healthy and fit without struggle.
5.) You are very happy with yourself whether you are already at your ideal weight OR if you are on your way there struggle-free. You have no battles with negative self-talk or inner battles with a part of you that wants to eat the world, even though you want to lose weight.
6.) You would never label yourself an emotional eater, a binge eater, a compulsive overeater, a food addict, or a self-saboteur because you don’t have any of these problems!
7.) Food is food in your world, it’s meant to FUEL your body and you never even consider using food for comfort or to try to make yourself feel better. You have the right Inner Self tools to deliberately change your emotional state and feel good now without using or abusing food, or yourself.
8.) Food has no control over you, YOU have full control of YOU, your own mind and emotions. You have a healthy relationship with food and respect the fact that you need to eat because you are in a human body but you are the one in control. You don’t fear food, or place as the top relationship in your life.
9.) You feel NO deprivation with how you eat while you do choose the best fuel (food) for your body. You enjoy what you eat but you aren’t struggling with food addiction, overeating, late-night stuffing, stress eating, or any other eating disorder or unhealthy behavior. You feel completely free of food and weight challenges. Your challenges are with other life areas – not with your body or your weight.
What Are Your Results?
How did you do? Were you able to answer YES to all 9 signs that you do not need permanent weight loss coaching? If you did then you are rockin’ it. You’re living healthy and fit without a struggle and you will surely maintain your ideal body for the rest of your life. Just make sure you continue using the right Inner Self tools to keep feeding your mind each day before you feed your body. This is a key, daily action step in your healthy lifestyle since mindset is 90% of what makes it struggle-free to live healthy and fit, just like a fat mindset is 90% of what keeps others in struggle with their overeating and their overweight. When your mindset is on point then there’s nothing that will stop you from living healthy and fit 365 days a year, without struggles with emotional eating, binge eating yo-yo dieting or food addiction.
But what if you didn’t answer YES to all 9 signs that you do not need permanent weight loss coaching?
If you did not answer YES to all of the 9 signs listed above, there IS Good News in this. What’s the good news? Here it is: Once you work with the right permanent weight loss coach who has the skills, the tools and the track record to help you end your overeating struggles quickly and easily, then you’ll have no problem losing weight and keeping it off. You won’t struggle anymore with emotional eating, binge eating, stress eating or whatever the unhealthy behaviors are that are plaguing you today, just like my coaching clients don’t struggle anymore (they used to before working with me). In fact, my coaching clients have all of those 9 results you read in that list. YOU can have those results, too!
You see, all of these behaviors are alive in you because of what’s going on in your Inner Self, and what’s going on in your Inner Self CAN be changed. You are NOT doomed to “be fat forever”.
How can you know for sure? Because you were NOT born that way! You were born just fine, you weren’t born an emotional eater. Those unhealthy behaviors were learned along the way and it’s just that you’ve been doing them so long now that it’s EASIER to keep doing them. Once you make the core changes within your Inner Self however, then you’ll be free of those behaviors for good.
Behaviors are Just Behaviors. Behaviors can be changed. Behaviors are NOT who you are.Click To TweetThis is GOOD! Here’s why: if the problem were outside of you then you’d have to wait for someone or some thing outside of you to change before you could get what you want. And that’s NOT the case! The only one who needs the transformation is YOU, and once you get the right coach to help you, then you will be free. Just like all of these people are free today AND in their past, they used to struggle just like you are now!
Want More Proof you do NOT need permanent weight loss coaching? Read the full list of 51 signs you do not need permanent weight loss coaching, click here to read the list now. See if you can answer YES to all 51 signs and if you can, then you’re golden!!
If You Want to END Your Food and Weight Struggles NOW
Do you want to END your food and weight struggles for good? This means ending your emotional eating, ending your binge eating, ending whatever unhealthy behaviors are in YOUR way of losing weight and keeping it off forever. What if you could do all of this in less than 8 weeks even though you’ve been struggling with this stuff since you were a teenager?
In order to fully put an end to your out-of-control eating, yo-yo dieting, food addiction and any other unhealthy behaviors that stop you from living healthy and fit consistently…. to end the drama now you’ve gotta do it from the inside out. Why? Because 90% of your struggle is living within your Inner Self, it’s all in your inner world. That is what is stopping you from DOING what you already know you need to do daily to drop the fat and keep it off.
Once the root of your problem(s) is healed then you WILL be FREE of the struggle. It works every time because it’s not another food diet or exercise program. Those ARE important obviously, but they won’t do you any good if the root of what made you overweight is not addressed and healed. Fix what is 90% of your problem and then DOING what is 10% of the solution will be easy. To clarify, 10% of the solution is healthy eating and exercise.
If you’d love to stop struggling so that YOU can lose weight and keep it off forever then click here to begin your application process for a FREE weight loss discovery session with JoLynn. This is a limited time offer and you do need to complete an application in order to qualify for a complimentary one-on-one private session with JoLynn and if your application qualifies you will be taking your first step towards struggle-free weight loss that lasts. This is the same first step that the graduates of JoLynn’s proven coaching system took and it’s the only way to find out if it’s a good fit for you to receive the results of permanent weight loss coaching with JoLynn. To finally END your food and weight struggles for good.
If you’d love to stop asking yourself “Why am I so smart and successful BUT I can’t stop overeating and I can’t lose weight and keep it off without struggle” then click here to apply now. You’re super smart to move forward now and get this problem solved pronto! You’re not like others who hold themselves back, continuing to struggle and live in frustration so please congratulate yourself for your fast action. You deserve it!