When you don’t have the weight loss motivation you need to get going, keep going, and get all the way to your goal weight then you’re probably feeling like a total failure. The the thing is, if you don’t learn how to be nice to yourself then how will you ever gain the weight loss motivation you need and require so that you can finally stop struggling with your weight problems for good?
You won’t. Plain and simple. If you don’t learn how to be nice to yourself you’re just going to keep the same old cycle of failure going.
This is super common unfortunately and it’s very very easy to do. You have the unhealthy momentum flowing and it’s easy to keep it going because momentum has energy behind it, whether it’s healthy momentum or unhealthy momentum.
The problem with the unhealthy momentum is it leads you towards either staying overweight or gaining weight, while hating yourself even more for your overeating and overweight.
To begin to turn this around and build positive, healthy momentum towards your weight loss goal and gain healthy motivation to lose weight, I suggest that you begin learning how to be nice to yourself.
Daily Weight Loss Motivation: Be Nice To Yourself [Day Seventeen]
Most think that self-criticism is the path to change, but is it? When you consider how many years you’ve been engaging in negative self-talk and self-criticism, if that really worked then wouldn’t you already have reached ALL of your goals in life, including your weight loss goals?
Of course you would have, if self-criticism really worked.
Since it doesn’t work, why not do the opposite? Begin to be nice to yourself today, and keep it going tomorrow, and the next day, and the next. But don’t confuse eating junk food with being nice to yourself. Is it truly nice and self-loving to flood your body with poisonous, addictive, fake foods?
It’s not, is it. Instead, learn new ways to be nice to yourself that increase your self-esteem and self-love, and show yourself proof with your actions of how much you truly love and respect yourself.
If you want help to do this the fastest way to change your negative momentum is through coaching. If you work with the right coach who addresses the real problems stopping you from losing weight and keeping it off (hint: the real problem isn’t the food!).
Since 2009 I’ve been coaching awesome women through my proven step-by-step coaching system and I’ve even coached a few cool men. Every client who simply follows my steps ends up breaking through their unhealthy eating habits and lack of motivation to come out on the other end with struggle-free weight loss.
If you’d love to stop struggling with food and YOUR weight then click here for your first step, only if you’re serious about ending your food and weight struggles for good!
![Daily Weight Loss Motivation: Be Nice To Yourself [Day Seventeen]](https://fearlessfatloss.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/daily-weight-loss-motivation-day-seventeen-pin.jpg)