One of the reasons you might be missing the weight loss motivation you desperately need and require to lose weight is because after all of the times you’ve failed, you expect to fail at weight loss once again. What you can do instead is break down your weight loss journey to ensure that you count every daily win on your way to your goal weight.
Do this and see how much easier it is to get motivated to lose weight and keep going all the way to your weight loss goal!
Daily Weight Loss Motivation: Count Every Daily Win [Day Twenty]
A big problem that most who are struggling to lose weight are doing to set themselves up for another failure is they think that the only success is at the very end when you finally see that goal weight number on the scale.
But how do you ever get to that goal weight number if you hate the entire process?
If you hate the food you’re eating, if you feel like you’re constantly missing out, and if you aren’t feeling like you’re making any progress? But… have you ever noticed that the reason you don’t feel like you’re making any progress is because in your mind, the only sign of progress is that end goal weight number on the scale?
And because that end goal weight number on the scale is soooooo far away, then doesn’t it make sense why you never actually GET there?
How CAN you get there when you despise the whole process that is required TO get there?
If instead you break your entire weight loss journey down into tiny little steps and Every Day count every daily win you achieve as a victory to be celebrated, then can you see how you could actually ENJOY the journey to your goal weight?
And guess what can happen then? If you enjoy the journey you stand a great chance of maintaining your goal weight.
But…. you’ve gotta get your head in the right place to do all of this. THIS is the biggest problem of all. I mean, really, let’s get real: weight loss in and of itself is not rocket science.
Weight loss is simple: but it requires consistency over and over again, day after day, meal after meal, eating the right foods that easily allow the body to shed the fat, drinking enough water, getting the right kind of sleep and the right hours of sleep, over and over again, portion control, meal prep, all of the bits and pieces that really are simple but must be done to live a healthy lifestyle and get that weight all the way off.
And this is where most fail: they are not able to stay consistent, which I understand! I’ve had major problems with consistency myself. I totally get it. BUT… you’ve gotta change this and change it at the root of the issue, in order to get over the hump of your self-sabotaging patterns that consistently suck you back into unhealthy eating habits that never allow you to get to your goal weight.
The main culprit of ALL of your weight problems is your Mind. The number one key to successful weight loss that lasts is a weight loss mindset. This is 92.8% of the solution if you want to finally stop struggling with your weight.
THIS is what makes weight loss impossible: your Mind. But also, your mind can make weight loss the easiest thing you’ve ever ever done! If you take action to change your mind and remove the hidden blocks you cannot see on your own. How do you do this? Get coaching with the right kind of coach who focuses on the mindset and then you’ll be able to set yourself free. You’ll finally be able to break free of your binge eating, your emotional eating, your self-sabotage and more.
If you’d love to stop struggling with food and your weight and you’d like my help to do this, this is exactly what I specialize in: the mindset you require to stop struggling with your weight. Start here with your first step if you’re serious about ending the struggle for good! With the right steps of a proven system that works, including accountability and high-level mindset coaching, not only will you be able to stop sabotaging your weight loss but also you’ll stop looking for weight loss motivation because you will become inspired from within to take healthy action.
Inspiration leads to struggle-free weight loss. It’s no big deal to lose weight once you get into that zone and it’s your mindset that is stopping you now. If you want the fastest path to the motivation you want and the weight loss you desire then click here to take a small action step now!
![Daily Weight Loss Motivation: Count Every Daily Win [Day Twenty]](