Let’s cut right to the chase: if you don’t feed your mind every day with the right fuel then you’re pretty much setting yourself up for failure with your weight loss, much less weight loss motivation.
Why? Because your weight loss motivation all starts in your MIND.
This is the missing piece that everyone who is struggling to lose weight are.. missing!
Yep. They’ve been brainwashed by the mainstream diet industry to believe that all they need is a new food diet to find the weight loss motivation they need and require, and then “Just Do It’ to lose weight.
But how has that ever worked for you?
Is it possible that you’ve been missing the…. missing piece?
Daily Weight Loss Motivation: Feed Your Mind Daily With The Right Fuel [Day Twenty-Eight]
The missing piece, is your MIND. You’ve gotta get the right mindset in place in order to:
- Get motivated to lose weight
- Get started with your weight loss
- Keep going with your weight loss
- Keep going long term all the way to your goal weight
- Continue living a healthy lifestyle for life to maintain your goal weight
If you don’t get the right mindset in place, it doesn’t matter how much diet and exercise information you collect because you won’t take action with it consistently, if at all.
But don’t listen to me, look at your own results.
Your Results Never Lie
Take a Get Real look at your own results to find out the truth. A couple questions to ask yourself are below but first, grab pen and paper to answer each of these questions in order. You won’t get anything out of these words by only reading them or trying to answer them in your head. Get out of your head and get onto paper with a pen.
Here are the questions:
- What age were you when you first began struggling with your eating and your weight?
- Subtract that number from your current age. What’s the answer?
- Re: the answer to #2… Does it make sense that that’s how old this lifelong problem is for you?
- How many food diets have you done in your life? What is the specific, total number?
- Does it make sense that if a food diet could have fixed your problems, then you wouldn’t be reading these words right now?
- How many specific step-by-step systems have you taken consistent daily action with to change your mindset for the purpose of making weight loss struggle-free? These step-by-step systems would include the right fuel to feed your mind daily with.
- Compare the number total of #4 and #6 – does it make sense that there’s a reason you’re still struggling?
- What is the biggest AHA you have gotten from answering each of these questions pen on paper, honestly and completely?
- What do your personal results with your weight loss challenges over your lifetime show you?
Good Job!
If you answered each of the above questions pen on paper and were completely honest with yourself then you deserve a high five! Good job!
What did you learn?
Can you see that your results never lie?
So then, what do you do now?
What are you willing to do to feed your mind daily with the right fuel so that you get motivated, lose weight, and keep it off? And what is the right fuel?
The Wrong Fuel For Your Mind
First let’s look at some examples of the wrong fuel for your mind. The wrong fuel that saps your weight loss motivation, and makes it easy to eat fake food, mass quantities of junk food, highly processed high sugar high sodium foods, fast foods, and more.
Just a few examples of the wrong fuel for your mind are:
- Worry
- Fear
- Hate (hate of yourself, your body, your job, your weight, your circumstances, other people, etc.)
- Insecurity
- Shame
But what about the right fuel for your mind?
The Right Fuel For Your Mind
A few examples are:
- Self-love
- Self-acceptance
- Joy
- True Happiness (FYI: not short-live addictive happiness that seems to come from food)
- Empowerment
- Peace of mind
How do you get the wrong fuel for your mind so easily every day? Well… it’s everywhere! The news, the Internet, your conversations, and especially your negative self-talk. Examine where you hang out on TV, the Internet, and with who you hang around and it should be very easy to see where your negative, daily mind fuel is sourced from.
How do you get the right mind fuel daily?
How do you get the right mind fuel daily? You must learn new ways.
You must create new neural pathways in your brain to make it easy to develop healthy, empowering self-talk for yourself.
All of this takes time but there’s a long route, and a short route. It all depends on how quickly you want to get motivated to lose weight, so that you can finally LOSE weight, you know what I mean? After all, why the heck are you still reading these words if you don’t want to get real-world results of the weight loss you desperately crave?
It’s Your Choice
You get to choose how quickly you get the weight off, and keep it off. And I don’t mean some kind of weird, unhealthy, fast weight loss scheme. Weight loss in and of itself is a process, but how can you ever get to your goal weight if you never get motivated and begin the process in the first place?
Does this make sense?
So it’s all up to you. If you’re OK with the long, slow route then just keep going as you are. If you’re OK with that then you won’t mind struggling alone as you continue to gather more information, of which there are millions of pieces of free information online right now, and keep on going another 5, 10, 15 or more years.
The reason that route takes so long is because:
- You keep struggling with your out-of-control eating behaviors all along that route
- Your struggle impacts your mindset, your outlook, your attitude, your level of hope, your eating behaviors, your weight, your peace of mind and your ability to think clearly and find the right help and right solutions.
- You cannot see your own blind spots, because they are… blind spots.
- You won’t know what to look for because you won’t be able to see what the real problems are
- You’ll continue to create heavier momentum that drives your emotional eating, binge eating, and overweight results because the longer you struggle….. the longer you struggle.
- The longer you walk this route alone the easier it is to get the place where you give up and move into Frumpville (ugh, right?!)
The alternative choice is the fast route to freedom. This route includes reaching out to get coaching with the right permanent weight loss coach who had the skills, certifications, training and experience to help you move out of your struggles and into freedom in eight weeks or less.
Personal Professional Coaching Is The Key
This fast of a transformation can only be done with personal coaching (FYI: coaching is not a computer, an app, or a webpage. Coaching is real-life communication over the phone with a professional permanent weight loss coach) to address your personal struggles that are stopping you now.
This level of coaching that will shift your eating behaviors that quickly must be coaching focused on the mindset. Your mindset is 92.8% of what makes you successful at weight loss, OR your mind is 92.8% of what makes you fail again before you ever get started.
If you don’t get the right mindset you won’t feel motivated to do anything to get healthy and fit. It just won’t happen. It will be easier to keep eating ice cream, Doritos, cookies, cake, pie, brownies, Lays, Cheetos, and Twinkies. The list is endless because there’s never enough food to fill up what food can never fill.
What Will You Do Next?
So what are you going to do next? Hop to another website to read some more info? Go to Youtube to watch some videos about cute kittens? Watch reality TV and mindlessly eat in front of the TV like I used to do and many of my weight loss coaching clients used to do?
Hey, it’s all your choice. It’s your life. But if you want to change your weight you must change your mind. This is what I do with my awesome coaching clients. Not everyone is a good fit for ending their food and weight struggles though. Some folks prefer the lifestyle of struggle. If this is you that’s cool, I just don’t have anything to offer you at all.
However if you’re like my awesome coaching clients then you’re:
- Excited to change
- Willing to change
- Willing to leave your comfort zone and learn totally new tools
- Willing to be coached
- Willing to leave your unhealthy eating behaviors behind you
- Willing to let go of your pity parties, old stories, and more
Then start now by clicking here and applying for a complimentary discovery call. It’s required to find out if it might be a good mutual fit for me to coach you to struggle-free weight loss in eight weeks or less and you just might be if you fit the list above and if you’re willing to be completely honest with yourself and with your coach.
Click here to get on the short path to freedom from your food and weight struggles for good!