Daily Weight Loss Motivation Day Ten | JoLynn BraleyWhen you are lacking the weight loss motivation to get moving and get the weight off, have you ever noticed that you’re constantly focusing on what is wrong? What if instead you were to get focused on what is right and see what happens?

Daily Weight Loss Motivation: Get Focused On What Is Right [Day Ten]

It’s extremely difficult (if not impossible) to get motivated to lose weight when you’re constantly focused on what is wrong. The thing is, this is where most people are focused. They’re asking themselves:

  • What’s wrong with me?
  • Why can’t I get motivated to lose weight?
  • What can’t I stop eating?
  • Why am I always messing up?
  • Why can’t I do anything right?

These questions will only give you answers that are depressing and hopeless. And you wonder why there’s a lack of motivation to lose weight for millions of overeaters out there right now, as well as yourself?

If you want to find the weight loss motivation you’re lacking then a place you can start is by changing your focus. Stop focusing on what’s wrong and get focused on what is right. Start asking yourself “What’s right with me?” instead of “what’s wrong with me”.

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Focus on all the things that are going right for you and see how much motivated you feel to lose weight. It will take consistent practice until you embed a new habit of “right focus” within you but you can do it if you stick with it. This will be 100 times easier if you have a proven step-by-step system to follow.

This is what I coach my weight loss coaching clients through: my proven step-by-step system to struggle-free weight loss and of course, to achieve struggle-free weight loss you must move into inspired action, which goes far beyond weight loss motivation.

If you want to stop struggling with your weight and it makes sense to you that you must change your mind in order to change your body then click here for your first step!

Daily Weight Loss Motivation: Get Focused On What Is Right [Day Ten]