Daily Weight Loss Motivation Day Eighteen | JoLynn BraleyHave you ever noticed that your thoughts about your weight are filled with doom and gloom? If you want to find the weight loss motivation you desperately are searching for then keep it in perspective when it comes to your weight loss goals.

Daily Weight Loss Motivation: Keep It In Perspective [Day Eighteen]

Here’s what I mean:

While it’s true that you’re either overweight or obese and you don’t have the motivation to change your eating habits, if you turn this problem into the end of the world and lose all hope then how the heck will you ever get motivated to lose weight?

All weight loss motivation begins in the MIND. You’ll never find weight loss motivation without changing your mind.

If you learn how to change your mind and put a daily action plan of proven steps in place then like magic, the weight loss motivation will appear. But it’s not magic. The way to the weight loss motivation you need is going to be found in changing your mind.

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A baby step you can take right now is keep it in perspective regarding your weight loss woes. How many pounds do you want to drop? 100 pounds? 50 pounds? More?

No matter how many pounds overweight you are, the only way you’re going to successfully get that weight off and keep it off is by changing your eating habits, changing your overall lifestyle, and staying consistent with all of this.

Will you ever be able to DO all of this if you don’t change your mind? No. You won’t.

How can you prove it? Just look at your lifetime of results up until this point. If you’d learned how to change your mind many years ago, you wouldn’t be overweight now.

But keep it in perspective at this point and don’t get all depressed about your lifetime of food and weight battles. All you can do is move forward from this point in time and if you choose to take action with a proven system of steps that work then you really do have a chance at beating this problem once and for all.

Make sure that the proven step-by-step system addresses changing your MIND though. Otherwise if you do the same thing you’ve always done and focus only on finding another food diet, then how exactly will you get new results?

You must do something new in order to get new results. And the most important NEW action to take is the solid daily action of steps that work to change your mindset. Otherwise, what hope do you really have of gaining the weight loss motivation you deeply need in order to get the weight off?

Does this make sense? After all, if you already had the right mindset for weight loss, then you’d have the motivation to lose weight, you’d feel excited about your life, and you’d feel fully confident that you’d be getting to your goal weight without struggle, step by step. AND you’d be doing it Right Now.

And so… ya gotta keep it in perspective and then move forward from here. But Be Warned: it’s not enough to think about change, talk about change, or dream about change. The only way to GET change, GET motivated, and GET the weight off, is to take action.

The easiest way to make all of these changes is to start by changing your mindset.

This is my specialty, it’s the work I’ve been doing with amazing weight loss coaching clients since 2009. If you’d love to stop wondering why you’re so smart and successful professionally but you’re not able to stop overeating and lose weight, then click here and take the first step.

And remember: only you can take action to change your weight loss failures into weight loss success and the most important change to make is to change your MIND. Change your mind and weight loss will become a snap. Click here if you want the fastest way to do it!

Daily Weight Loss Motivation: Keep It In Perspective [Day Eighteen]