One of the problems that plagues the millions of overeating, overweight, and obese is that they have had the weight loss motivation they needed, but instead of deciding to keep repeating what is working they kept looking for something new.
If what you’re doing isn’t working then of course it’s good to look for a new and completely different solution. That’s what my weight loss coaching clients are looking for when I coach them through my proven step-by-step system The Inner Self Diet! My proven step-by-step system sets them free of the struggle in eight weeks or less using steps you’ll never get in a food diet.
But if what you’ve done in the past to simply get motivated to lose weight worked for you, but then you stopped doing it and kept hopping around from this to that to this-and-that, always searching for something new, well… this is a problem.
Daily Weight Loss Motivation: Keep Repeating What Is Working [Day Twenty-Seven]
Repetition is one of the top keys to success for all people on this planet who have achieved success in any area of life. Whether that’s success in:
- Relationships
- Business
- Finances
- Inner Peace
- or Weight Loss and Fitness
Anyone who has achieved a high level of success in any area of life has had to repeat repeat repeat.
Once is not enough.
It’s true! Once is not enough.
When it comes to healthy eating and healthy living, what most who are struggling to get motivated and lose weight are doing is a “one and done” diet or workout routine.
They think that if they can just white knuckle it for a short time that they’ll get what they want: a fit healthy slender body that makes them feel fantastic about themselves.
A massive problem is the fact that weight loss is not a short term project, unless you’re only one pound from your goal weight. More than likely you are 20 pounds, 50 pounds, or more from your goal weight.
Losing weight takes time, a lot of time, which the masses who are struggling to lose weight don’t want to invest in themselves. It’s like they’re looking for a high-tech capsule they can step into, shut the door, and 5 minutes later step out all transformed, shiny, slender and new.
Whew! What if that were possible? Do you know what would happen?
Guess What Would Happen Next?
Because you didn’t do any work at all to walk the path of fixing the root issues that drive your unhealthy, out-of-control eating, resulting in a deeper lack of motivation to change and even more weight gain, then you wouldn’t have any skills necessary to keep the weight off.
Only by walking from where you are now to where you want to be, including consistent repetition with the right mind-body steps that work, only then will you finally be free of this never-ending food and weight problem that plagues you.
Then you will get motivated to lose weight, and you’ll actually do it! And, most importantly, you’ll have the right tools you need to maintain your goal weight once you get there.
Two Ways to Do This
There are two ways to go about this, and both include repetition.
If you’re OK with long slow route that involves struggling alone in isolation while you’re trying to find the answers by yourself, then keep doing what you’re doing now. Keep in mind that you’re looking at another 5, 10, or more years of battling your food and weight struggles, simply because you can’t see your hidden blind spots that are stopping you this very moment.
No one can see their own blind spots, this is why all who are highly successful have coaches and mentors to put them on the fast track to success.
Which leads us to the second way to go about getting motivated and losing the weight permanently: get coaching with the right coach to get your food and weight problems solved as fast as possible.
You won’t have to wait 5, 10, or more years, you won’t even have to wait one year, if you work with the right coach. For example, the Inner Self core transformation work I do with my private weight loss coaching clients gives them the result of struggle-free weight loss in eight weeks or less. All they need to do is take action per the instructions with the clear action steps I give them.
By the way, the reason I have such an extremely high success rate (every client who has simply followed my instructions has succeeded) is because the work I do is not a food diet. It’s all about getting the right psychology for weight loss.
Avoiding the Right Mindset is a Set-up For Failure
Without the right mindset, there’s no way you can get motivated to lose weight, much less stick with a healthy eating plan long term. It’s simply impossible without the right mindset.
Again, you can try to figure things out on your own, as long as you’re OK with the fact that you will continue to struggle while you’re trying to figure things out. You will continue to be unmotivated while you’re trying to figure things out too, which puts you in the dangerous position of just giving up on the whole thing eventually and resigning yourself to being frumpy and fat.
This is naturally what happens when you keep battling all along for a lifetime.
If you don’t want to run the risk of giving up on yourself and you want the fast track to weight loss motivation and weight loss success then click here for your first step. This is for you if you’d love to stop wondering why you’re so smart and successful professionally but you’ve never been successful long term with your weight.