Have you ever noticed that the more you beat yourself up about your weight and your out-of-control eating then the less weight loss motivation you feel?
What if you were to quit beating yourself up for gaining weight?
What might happen then?
Daily Weight Loss Motivation: Quit Beating Yourself Up for Gaining Weight [Day Twenty-Two]
What most of the millions of overweight and obese are doing right now is they are criticizing themselves with their unconscious, internal, self-criticizing audio tape in their head.
Additionally, they are beating themselves up by unconsciously continuing to make unhealthy food choices, overeat, binge eat, emotionally eat, and mindlessly eat, even though they really would like to lose weight.
The thing is…. have you noticed that the more you engage in beating yourself up for gaining weight that the more, and more, and more that you eat?
Have you also noticed that beating yourself up for gaining weight makes it easier and easier to continue choosing and eating foods which make you feel worse, and worse, and worse about yourself?
A mistake that most make is they try to force themselves to change their eating, but those unconscious, negative, self-abusive tapes continue to play in their head.
Guess what happens?
They’re able to white-knuckle their way through one to five days of healthy eating before they boomerang right back into their most common eating patterns.
Why does this consistently happen to you?
Because you haven’t changed the fundamental issues that are driving your emotional eating, binge eating, food obsessions, and yo-yo dieting.
Unfortunately, you have been brainwashed by the mainstream diet industry to think that all you need to fix your overweight is a new food diet. But how does that work when you still have the unconscious negative thought patterns continuing to play in your head?
Does this make sense?
Does it make sense that this is why you don’t feel motivated to lose weight?
If it does not make sense that the real problem is in your mindset, then please comment below and share your questions! I’d be happy to do a follow up post to address your questions.
If it does make sense that the main reason you:
- Don’t feel motivated to lose weight
- Can’t stop overeating
- Can’t stop emotional eating
- Can’t stop binge eating
- Can’t stop sabotaging your weight loss
If it does make sense that the reason you can’t do the above is because you haven’t addressed where all of these problems start (in your mindset) then this is good news! All change is preceded by awareness.
The other good news is that once you change where the root of these problems come from, then your eating problems will cease.
How great would THAT feel? Because…. doesn’t it make sense that if your eating problems were to stop, that then you would lose weight?
Does it also make sense that if you were to take the right action to change your mindset that not only would your eating behaviors change, and you’d lose weight, but of course you’d feel motivated to lose weight.
If all of this makes sense to you then what do you want to do next? Are you serious about changing the real problems that are stopping you from losing weight?
If you are serious about ending your food and weight struggles for good then the only thing you’re missing is HOW to do all of this.
This is exactly what I’ve been doing with amazing weight loss coaching clients since 2009. I coach my awesome weight loss coaching clients through my proven step-by-step system to struggle-free weight loss in eight weeks or less and they break free of that place of struggle, no weight loss motivation, and out-of-control eating to step into the place of freedom from the struggle.
Once you step into the struggle-free zone then you’ll be able to lose weight with ease and of course, you’ll stop beating yourself up for gaining weight and you’ll feel the weight loss motivation required to get to your goal weight, and stay there.
If you want my help to make this happen then click here for your first step. It’s free and only 10 minutes to find out if I might possibly be able to help you overcome your personal food and weight struggles. It’s the only way to gain possible entrance to struggle-free weight loss in eight weeks or less.
This is for you if you’d love to stop wondering why you’re so smart and successful but you can’t lose weight. Click here if you’re excited about ending the struggle for good!