What if you need to stop collecting information to get real-life weight loss results – would you do it? It might surprise you that many refuse to say “yes!” and we’ll go over the number one reason for this below. (I know it sounds unbelievable, because why wouldn’t everyone want real-life weight loss results, right?!)
But first….
Have you ever noticed how many years you’ve been collecting diet and exercise information? How many years is it? Ten, twenty, forty, or more?
What are the specific results you’ve gotten from all of that weight loss information?
Hey, maybe you’re even collecting the emails we’ve been sending you daily since the first of October if you opted in for the free daily motivation email alerts for all 31 days of this free weight loss motivation. But are you taking action on any of this information?
Well have you ever noticed that your results don’t change, unless you take real-world, healthy action, and stay consistent with it?
Daily Weight Loss Motivation: Stop Collecting Information and Get Real-Life Weight Loss Results [Day Twenty-Five]
The truth is, nothing will ever change with your weight unless you take solid, consistent, healthy, right action to change it. The easiest way to get in motion and get motivated is to have a solid, proven action plan already laid out in front of you.
But this is where everyone goes wrong. They think that the only action plan they need is a new food diet. But now we’re back to the same ‘ole same ‘ole: collection more diet and exercise information while failing to take real-world action on it.
Here’s another mistake everyone is making: the proven action plan you set out with must include daily action for your MIND.
What?! What in the world does your MIND have to do with weight loss? And what the heck does your MIND have to do with weight loss motivation?
What does anything in this article have to do with weight loss motivation?
The Answer
Ninety-two point eight percent of successful weight loss, including weight loss motivation, is all about what’s in your MIND. If you don’t get your mindset turned around then you a) won’t get motivated to lose weight and b) you won’t get real-world weight loss results.
Instead, without the right mindset, you’ll continue to collect diet and exercise information, wonder where that elusive weight loss motivation is, and keep struggling with overweight and overeating.
Ugh! Not fun!
There is some good news though.
Good News!
The good news is that all you need to do is take consistent action with the right proven action plan for your MIND, turn your mindset around by releasing all of the negative, fat thinking, fat believing baggage that is holding you back (and driving your unhealthy eating behaviors) and then, even better news…. weight loss will become struggle-free.
This means, of course, that you’ll absolutely feel motivated to lose weight because struggle-free weight loss means that it’s no big deal to take the action you must take to live healthy and fit and get that weight off.
Even better news is that with the right mindset in place you’ll stop collecting information and get real-life weight loss results instead! You’ll actually be able to take ACTION with that weight loss information you’ve collected over the years, put it to use, instead of only thinking about it.
How good would it feel to be seeing real-life weight loss results for yourself? To finally stop looking for weight loss motivation and be in action mode instead?! Imagine it now, allow yourself to feel the hope that you really can change, you really can break free of the struggle.
How Fast Do Want To Do This?
Are you ok with taking several years to get the right mindset, get motivated to lose weight, and stop collecting information while taking real-life action to get the weight off? If you are then keep on going by yourself, that’s the slow way and as long as you’re ok with that, that’s awesome!
On the other hand if you want to a) experience weight loss motivation like you never have before and b) experience struggle-free weight loss and c) feel really really good about yourself in ways you haven’t for years, then professional coaching with the right weight loss mindset coach is the way to go.
Coaching is always the fastest way to get from where you are to where you really want to be. Why? Because you cannot see your own blind spots and you don’t know what you don’t know, especially when you’ve never experienced struggle-free weight loss before.
Since you never have experienced struggle-free weight loss it should sound unbelievable to you, and this makes perfect sense. Why? Because you don’t have the right mindset at this time. If you did then you wouldn’t be reading these words – you’d be out there living your life without the food and weight struggles you’re battling now!
If you want to stop struggling and do it as fast as possible then click here for your first step. This is only for you if you’re excited about ending your food and weight struggles for good! This is not for you if you love staying in your comfort zone.
Your comfort zone is the place that fuels your overeating behaviors and gives you your overweight results. Freedom will only be found by leaving your comfort zone and doing something you’ve never ever done before, to finally lose weight and keep it off. Click here if you’re ready to succeed!