Have you ever considered that you need to stop worrying to lose weight now and feel motivated enough to get all the way to your goal weight?
If this has never occurred to you, then what are the specific results you’re getting from worrying about your weight?
Daily Weight Loss Motivation: Stop Worrying to Lose Weight Now [Day Twenty-Four]
The reason that most of the overweight and obese are struggling to find the weight loss motivation they desperately need is because they are missing the number one key to successful weight loss.
What is the number one key to successful weight loss you ask? Here it is:
Your Mindset
Change Your Mindset to Make Weight Loss Work (finally!)
If you don’t change your mindset you are putting up a wall of problems for yourself that makes up 92.8% of all of your weight loss struggles. This is also why you don’t feel motivated to lose weight!
Where the majority are going wrong is they are thinking that the ONLY thing they need to do is a) find weight loss motivation and b) do another diet.
How has that been working for you?
Have you noticed that the longer you wait to get motivated to lose weight, the easier it is to keep overeating?
Have you also noticed that no food diet has ever fixed your food and weight problems for good? Hey, I understand, I’ve been through the same struggles before, and it wasn’t until I changed my mindset that a) I stopped looking for motivation to lose weight and b) I actually lost weight.
Your mind leads your body. If your mind is programmed to match up with a fat body, then your behaviors will match, and so will your results.
What Does This Have To Do With Worry?
Worrying about weight loss is a mindset habit that gives you the results of:
- Fear of change
- Fear of commitment
- Lack of decision
- Failure to lose weight (due to all of the above)
Worrying about your weight fuels more emotional eating, anxiety, binge eating, shame, fear, worry, and weight gain.
Worrying about your weight will never give you the results of weight loss motivation and real-life weight loss. If it could, then you’d have already reached your goal weight 30 years ago! How can you prove this to yourself? Well, add up all of the hours, days, months and years that you’ve spent worrying about:
- What other people may or may not think of your weight
- Whether eating a certain food will make you gain weight
- All of the food you’re afraid you’ll “miss out on” if you ever take action to get real-life weight loss results
- Feeling higher anxiety if you stop emotional eating (because your emotional eating is meant to stuff down your anxiety, but how does that work?)
- Whether you’ll always be fat, overweight, obese, etc.
- If your husband is going to leave you because your main obsession in your life is your weight
- If you’re good enough to get to your goal weight, and stay there.
- Whether or not you deserve to be thin
And even more worries related to food, your eating habits, and your weight besides this very common list in the bullet points above. FYI: each of these worries are real-life worries that the majority of my weight loss coaching clients experienced prior to doing my proven, step-by-step system that set them free of their worry and allowed them to lose weight struggle-free.
Oh! I’ve been coaching awesome weight loss coaching clients since 2009 so I’ve seen a LOT of these examples listed above. So you don’t need to feel like you’re the only one!
Worry Stops Weight Loss Motivation AND Weight Loss
Keep on worrying about never reaching your goal weight and you’re guaranteeing you won’t get to your goal weight. Why? Because your behaviors will match up with your worry. It’s really that simple.
On the other hand, decide to stop worrying to lose weight now and move forward with consistent, healthy action meal after meal and over time, you will reach your goal weight! Why not? It’s only a matter of consistency and time.
BUT….. you’ve gotta make sure you have the right mindset installed if you want to a) get motivated and b) get going and c) keep going without self-sabotage and d) keep the weight off once you get to your goal weight.
Getting the right mindset is the most important key to successful weight loss and it takes a solid action plan in order to GET that mindset.
You also need accountability, consistency, objective professional coaching, and a full system of step to follow that have already been proven to work. Then, all you need to do is plug yourself in, follow the instructions, and get that weight off (struggle-free!).
NOTE: struggle-free weight loss should sound like a dream to you right now because you don’t have the right mindset for it. If you already had a weight loss mindset then you’d already be LIVING struggle-free weight loss.
Also note that coaching with the right coach is the fastest way to a) get motivated to lose weight and b) get a weight loss mindset to c) make weight loss struggle-free.
Does this sound exciting to you when you imagine yourself living with the daily freedom you’d love to live?
Are you willing to change?
Are you willing to do something you’ve NEVER done before? For the purpose of a) ending your food and weight struggles and b) getting that weight off for good?
If you’d love to stop wondering why you’re so smart and successful professionally BUT you’ve never succeeded with your weight for good then click here and apply now for your first step. It’s complimentary and it’s the only way to find out if it might be a good fit for you to gain entrance to my proven step-by-step system to struggle-free weight loss in eight weeks or less.
WARNING: this is NOT for you if you’re happy with the struggle, prefer to keep complaining, and love living in your comfort zone of struggle. You cannot stay in your comfort zone and keep complaining about your weight and ever expect to achieve permanent weight loss. It’s just not going to work because it’s not a match.
Comment below with your biggest Aha from this article and let us know if you’ve kicked the worry habit and moved into action to get that weight off, for good! Remember: weight loss motivation is not going to magically appear if you wait for it “to happen”. You’re the one who must reach out and get the system to make it happen. Otherwise, what exactly is going to change for you? Make sense?