Have you ever noticed that when you’re struggling to find the weight loss motivation you need and require to get started losing weight, that the more you hang around others who are also struggling, then it’s very easy to enable each other to keep eating unhealthy foods in mass quantities. Short story: watch who you hang out with if you are serious about taking consistent action to lose weight and keep it off.

Daily Weight Loss Motivation: Watch Who You Hang Out With [Day Twenty-Nine]

Here’s the deal: you are the sum of the five people you hang out with the most. This isn’t my “rule” it’s just how it is, and has been proven by well-known authors, motivational speakers, and mentors.

Guess who Deepak Chopra’s best friend was before he passed away? Wayne Dyer.

Guess why they were best friends? Because they both were on the same level of thought, achievement, and greatness.

Guess why you have such a struggle getting motivated to lose weight? Look at who you’re spending most of your time with.

Free eBook Fearless Fat Loss

This can be extremely challenging because you might not want to take an honest look at who you’re hanging out with but if those people are:

  • Enabling you to stay fat by telling you “You’re just fine, you’re beautiful as you are!”
  • Enabling you to overeat by overeating with you (friends who binge with you Friday night and on the weekends)
  • Unhealthy themselves
  • Don’t want to see you change because your transformation will make them uncomfortable with their unhealthiness

If these are the kinds of folks you’re hanging out with then it’s not any mystery why you’re struggling to find weight loss motivation. How can you when you’re enabled to stay where you are?

Take Full Personal Responsibility

This is NOT to say in ANY way that anyone you spend time with is in any way responsible for your overeating and overweight. YOU are the only one responsible for the state of your mind and the state of your body.

With that being said, it’s simply not easy to make the necessary changes to your mindset and your eating behaviors when you aren’t in the company of people who are healthy in mind and body.

What? Change My Mind??!!

YES. You must change your MIND in order to a) get motivated to lose weight and b) get all the way to your goal weight and c) keep the weight off the rest of your life.


Because it’s your MIND that is is the source of either a) your lack of weight loss motivation OR b) the shift you must make in order to move into freedom from the self-sabotage and unhealthy eating habits.

You cannot force a change through a food diet. If you could, then why would you be reading these words? Does this make sense?

Here’s what I mean: just take a pen and paper and write down all of the names of all of the food diets you’ve done throughout your lifetime. Get the total number.

Why didn’t ANY of these food diets work for you? More than likely some of them did. But then you stopped taking consistent action with them.

It All Comes Back To Your Mind

Why would you stop taking consistent action? It all comes back to your MIND.

Your mind determines your emotional state which drives your behaviors which gives you the results with your overweight. If you were to change the root problems that start in your MIND then you’d be able to get the weight off and keep it off. Does this make sense?

Your mindset is 92.8% of the problem. Your mindset is also 92.8% of what must change if you ever want to get motivated to lose weight, do it, and complete it, AND keep the weight off.

The Problem

The problem though is you must take consistent action with solid, proven steps to get the mindset shift that is 92.8% of what you’ll need to accomplish if you want to lose weight and keep it off.

This doesn’t have to even take very long! As long as you have a proven step-by-step system to follow with the right coaching, guidance, and support to go along with it. That’s the fast way to stop struggling, stop overeating, get motivated, and lose weight for good.

Well, I say it’s fast but I can only speak for what I’ve been doing with awesome coaching clients since I started professionally coaching in 2009. My weight loss coaching clients who simply follow my steps move into the struggle-free zone with their eating and weight loss in eight weeks or less.

The Looooooon Waaaay

However there’s also a long way to go about it.

The long way is to keep doing what you’re doing, use trial and error with the various information you collect from various sources here and there, somehow make yourself stay consistent while you try out new things you put together on your own, and see what happens. Don’t expect a miracle though, because none of use can see our own blind spots, and those are what are sabotaging you now.

Also keep in mind that your unhealthy eating habits will continue to plague you during your years of trial and error, and the simple fact is (unfortunately)… it’s just easier to keep overeating. Really.


Because when you don’t have the right tools, training, steps and support to get a weight loss mindset quickly and easily, then it’s just plain easier to keep eating the food you eat in your comfort zone. The reason it’s easier to keep doing what you’re doing is because you’ve practiced it for so long, and you don’t have the right support to break free.

Additionally, if you’re hanging out with unhealthy people who don’t have a weight loss mindset, aren’t living a healthy lifestyle, and encourage you to eat what they’re eating (even though you know those foods are taking you closer to added weight gain), then you’re stuck in the place where you don’t feel any motivation to lose weight.

Does it make sense why?

Good News

The good news is that you don’t have to keep going as you are, unless you like it like that.

It’s easy to get the right coach in your corner who has the proven step-by-step system to walk you through, while helping you stay accountable and then get into the struggle-free weight loss zone in eight weeks or less. If you want to find out if it would be a good mutual fit for me to coach you then sign up now for a free 10-minute weight loss call. It’s your first step towards finding out if it might be possible for you to get struggle-free weight loss in eight weeks or less. Just imagine how you’d feel if you were to be Living It!

FYI: struggle-free weight loss should sound totally impossible to you right now. This is because of your mindset. Only if you do the steps to change it will you then experience it. Click here for your first baby step towards freedom if you’re willing to move out of your comfort zone, and into freedom from the struggle.