Do you ever feel like you’re “falling behind” in your weight loss or feel like you’re not doing all that you can do to achieve your goals?
If you do, here’s what I think: you can never “fall behind” when it comes to losing weight. Why? Because it’s always a brand new moment!
In every moment you have the power to make a different choice. You have the power to choose a different action. So how in the world can you be “behind” in something when you can always start again??
The Power of NOW
All of your power lies in the present moment. There is absolutely nothing you can do about the past, nothing you can do about what you ate, how little or how much you exercised, or what you thought. The past is the past and it’s all over now.
What you do have control over is this very moment. This very moment that you are reading this text is your now. If you are eating unhealthy fare that you know won’t help your body speed up its metabolism and shed excess fat you can make a different decision now. If you haven’t exercised for 2 weeks, 2 months, or a year, you can choose to exercise today. If you’ve been engaging in negativity and stinkin’ thinkin’, coloring the world around you with all sorts of misperceptions, you can turn it all around now – if you want to.
There is No “Behind” When It Comes to Weight Loss
Nothing that you’ve done in the past matters and there’s no way you could be behind in reaching your weight loss goals unless you continue to choose inaction. You see you are now conscious of the fact that the power lies in your hands. From this point on if you deny this and make up excuses for not taking healthy action and changing your lifestyle then you could possibly say that you’re “falling behind” because now you know the truth – that the power is in your present moment and it is in your hands.
The Thought Behind the Post
I was inspired to write this post today because I felt like I’d “fallen behind” in my 15-week experiment with the Attacking Anxiety and Depression program, the reason being that normally I would have given you my weekly update yesterday (I will have that update for you next Wednesday).
As it is the topic of “falling behind” applies so well to weight loss and I sincerely hope that now that you’ve read my article that you take this opportunity to seize your now by making the choice to treat yourself with healthy actions from here on out. Forget about the past; you’re not behind, you’re right where you’re supposed to be. 😉
I am one of the thousands who lived with obesity for decades before discovering what I had was a Candida yeast infection which caused sugar/flour cravings; diet after diet worked – for a while – but the cravings always won in the end – the yeast beast is patient. If even a fraction of the obesity in America is caused by yeast, everyone who has failed at dieting should be looking to it as a possible solution. Test for it, or just start treating it – antifungals and no sugar, no flour for two weeks; you’ll feel amazingly better and have lost weight if yeast was your problem. My whole story and everything you need to lose obesity forever are on my website at; please take a moment to look, for yourself or for someone who might be helped by this.
This post is just what I needed this week! Thanks!
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It’s all about pushing yourself to the next level! Giving up is not an option
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Ann Rusnak
“The Time Diva”
Ann Rusnak ~ The Time Divas last blog post..OH No … I got tagged
I’ve been falling behind a little but now that the weather has cooled off I find it easier to get out on the bike and exercise. I’m getting married this saturday and my wife and I have started running together.
So, thanks for the post…I’m back on the wagon.
Some people need to, “fall behind” in their weight loss. People have a tendency to want to lose weight far faster than they put it on.
When they do this, they try every quick way, fast way, faster way to lose weight.
This sets them up for failure and possibly even more weight than they started with.
Weight loss should be slow, steady and a
lifestyle change.
These things will start you on a successful road to weight loss.
DONs last blog post..Gum Disease-Weight-Is There A Link