Happy New Year 2009, woohoo!! Here we are in a brand spankin’ new year… wow, 2008 sure did fly by, didn’t it?
So here’s my question for you today – did you accomplish your fitness goals that you set for yourself a year ago? Did you lose the weight, increase your upper body strength, strengthen your thighs, tighten, lift, build up your glutes, decrease your knee pain after dropping those pounds, and gain some energy along the way?
How about your clothes – are you wearing a smaller size? Did you pick out a great outfit for your New Year’s party, something that you wouldn’t have been able to fit in to a year ago? Have you almost become addicted to your physical fitness routine over the past year because you feel so good after your workouts?
Uh, Is This a Time Warp??
Ok ok, you’re a little confused, I know. Today is June 2, 2008, not January 1, 2009…but what if it was?
We’re already halfway through the year and before you know it we’ll be in the holiday rush. Therefore, if you have some work to do in the area of health and fitness, think about this:
If you don’t take action today then you just might find yourself very soon saying, “I’ll change my ways after New Year’s”.
Yep, millions of people say it every year, but how about taking charge now and making some small lifestyle changes for yourself today? Just think of how far you could be 6 months from now – you could have already met your goal or at the very least be much closer to it than you are today. 😉
No Excuses Allowed at Fearless Fat Loss
Since we are halfway through the year I am officially declaring this No Excuses Week at Fearless Fat Loss. Now if you’re doing just fine then you can stop reading now but if you’re like me and you haven’t yet met the goals you set for yourself 6 months ago, then come along with me and let’s start sweeping away those excuses.
What Excuses?
That’s right, we’re sweeping away excuses this week. Excuses are those reasons we give ourselves for not doing what is best for us, but if we give into them then we just aren’t going to reach our goals. So this week at Fearless Fat Loss is all about knocking out some excuses so that you can get moving today and with each step get a little bit closer to your goal weight and fitness level that you’ve set for yourself.
Making Excuses to Move?
So let’s get moving (lol, good pun) with shooting down an excuse today. How about this one:
I know walking is good for me and it’s the easiest way for me to get a cardio workout but I don’t have anywhere to do it. I don’t have a treadmill and I can’t go outside because:
A. The weather is too (hot, cold, rainy, sunny, etc.)
B. The neighborhood is too (empty, filled with people, unsafe, boring, loud, quiet, etc.)
C. It’s too late, too early, too dark, too light, etc.
D. I don’t want anyone to see me.
E. E is for etc.! 😉
Ok, so you’ve got some excuses for getting in your daily 30 minute walk and I’ve got a solution for you, something that is very inexpensive and the only requirements are a TV, DVD player and a good pair of walking shoes. In fact, I’ve been doing this myself for a change in my cardio routine.
I’m Doing It, You Can, too!
I’ve been using Leslie Sansone’s Walk Away the Pounds
to change up my cardio routine this past week and I’ve gotta tell you that I really like it. It’s simple and easy and I think it would be a great way for someone who isn’t a physical fitness guru to start exercising because you definitely don’t have to be one to use Walk Away the Pounds. I’ve tried other cardio workouts before and I’ve felt like I needed a dance class to keep up – not so with WATP.
It’s also an acceptable cardio option for the 6-Week Body Makeover plan as long as you stay within your target heart rate zone (you don’t work out super hard with the 6WBMO, you just work out smarter).
So far I’ve used the DVD that comes with the book Walk Away the Pounds however I have 4 more DVDs on order. The DVD in the book is approx. 15 minutes long and it is a one mile walk – since I workout for 30 minutes I simply start the DVD over again to total 30 minutes.
A Simpler Way to Walk
And certainly if you don’t want to purchase the Walk Away the Pounds DVDs you can simply get a move on outside and walk non-stop for 30 minutes, or if you haven’t exercised in a long time just do 5 or 10 minutes to start. Sometimes starting is the hardest part so the most important thing is that you drop the excuses you’ve been using to keep yourself from becoming the stellar self that you can be. Why not decide to go for it now so that you don’t look back 6 months from now and wish that you had? 😉
Tune in tomorrow when I sweep away another excuse for you so that when New Year’s comes you’ll already have 6 months invested in your healthy lifestyle habits and be well on your way to reaching your weight loss and fitness goals.
Ooh, great idea. It made me stop and reflect on my goals for 2008 and I’m pretty much on track! 🙂
Andrew is getting fits last blog post..Weigh-in: Slow but steady
I’ve never tried WATP, but my mom uses it religiously and absolutely loves it. It’s definitely a great alternative to going outside or to the gym, and it pulls the rug out from under all those excuses!
Jens last blog post..Realignment
WTG on staying on track with the goals you set for 2008, glad my article helped you see that, keep on a goin’!! 😉
Yeah, I’ve heard about it for years from fellow 6-week body makeover friends but had never tried it. I really think it’s great because it gets you moving and it’s easy to do – no complicated dance steps and you don’t go beyond your THR (if you overexert yourself you’ll get out of your fat burning zone).
Let me know if you try it! 🙂
Oh MAN. Did I ever need that kind of “kick in the butt.”
I am a WATP flunkee. I did not like the food and found myself pushing every rule to the limit. I like the WW points system instead. If I want a taco from taco bell, I get one.
As for working out, I’ve got a great circuit/cardio routine I do about 4 times a week.
I am not even close to my goals, but at least I’m trying!
hey, like the new look and LOVE the idea of a happy new year post in june. definitely, the time to start something you really want to do is NOW, not some time in the future or because it’s a special date.
isabella moris last blog post..albert schweitzer: reverence for life
You know I didn’t review the eating program of WATP, I only did the workout. I’m partial to the 6WBMO program, I love it, and it works. My only downfall has been my own issues with emotional eating but I’ve been working on those with Shrink Yourself.
It sounds like you really enjoy your current workout program and if it keeps you in you THR zone the whole time (so you’re burning fat) then I’d say stick with it. 😉 As long as you never quit going for your goals, then you’re a success.
Hi Isabella, I’m so happy to hear from you, how are you doing? 🙂
Thanks, I changed the design a few months back, I really like it a lot, more on track with the message here at Fearless Fat Loss and it’s more fun.
Yeah, I’m looking to the future and want to see myself at my goal by New Year’s – the time to act is Now – a healthy lifestyle is built over time anyway, so that’s what I’m doin’. 😉
I’m trying hard to put myself on track each time I find myself off track.
I exercise yesterday but not today. (I woke up late) 🙂
Raymond Chuas last blog post..The 3 Most Dangerous Words in English Language
Hi Raymond,
Sounds like you’re on top of things and readjusting each day – that’s really the way to do it, just stay conscious of where you’re at and if you fall off then get back in line right away. 🙂
And WTG on exercising yesterday!
I’ve felt for a long time that new year’s resolutions are bad for you, and for many of the same reasons that you list. Why procrastinate? Why deal with dangerous or demotivating weather?
The best time to set a resolution is now, whenever now is.
Hi Blaine,
Yeah, New Year’s resolutions are usually not about changing your lifestyle for good, and that’s a good point about the weather (although for me the snow motivates me 🙂 ).
You’re exactly right that the time is now – that’s the only time there is anyway, the present.
LOL, Jolynn, you really surprised me! =D
Yes, many always think of new year resolutions… how about new day resolution.. anyway the small steps do count!
Robert A. Henrus last blog post..How failures can make you smile
I’m very guilty of too many excuses, but I’ve found a way to break out of them. I have to do my own yard work because I don’t have the money to hire someone else to do it. Instead of killing myself to do all the mowing, edging, trimming and sweeping in one day, I’ve broken it up into 3-5 days of the week and I work non-stop for at least 30 minutes each day. I mow the back yard one day, the front yard the next (push mower, I have a big yard), edging the next day, sweeping the next and other trimming another. I also do some limb and bush trimming with a hand saw and hand tools. I get a great cardio workout and strength training at the same time. Sometimes I get really sore when I use muscles I’m not used to using.
My next goal is to start hand trimming and then weeding my flower beds. They’re a mess.
Since we have summer for 6 months out of the year and spring and fall take up most of the rest of the year, yard work is nearly year-round. I started getting plenty of exercise and saving money.
Since it’s summer, my son and I often go to the Y for open swim at 6:30 in the evening to cool off and relax. Instead of totally relaxing, I swim several lengths and then jog up and down the length of the pool against the water for 30 minutes, then play. So what if I exercise twice in one day. I’ll sleep really well.
I’m finally getting in shape and I don’t have to make extra time for it. I just have to do what I need to get done in reasonable bites.
Debt Free or Bust – Sherris last blog post..Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Louisiana, an In-Depth Look Part I
Hi Robert, good, glad I surprised ya!
Hi Sherri,
It sounds you’ve got a great plan for yourself there and I really like splitting up large tasks into smaller ones – sometimes that’s the only way to start making progress because the entire task is too daunting.
Thanks for sharing and keep up the good work!
Till now I am right on track with my fitness goals but I must say now that it is summer it gets harder to keep the right mindset.
troys last blog post..Powertec WB-LS Workbench Leverage Gym Review | Professional Home Gym Leverage System