We’re only a couple of weeks away from the New Year of 2009 and my question is…will anything really change for you?
I don’t believe in New Year’s resolutions because what that is about is putting off taking action for a future date; action that you could take today.
I do believe in living in the present moment, and it is so important to surrender to your present moment, no matter where you may be at this time. For example, if you’re really struggling with your weight then just surrender to it. You are where you are and that’s ok, because that is where you are! You can’t be anywhere else.
Surrendering doesn’t mean that you are giving up on yourself, it’s quite the opposite. By surrendering you are letting go of the struggle. Surrender and accept that you are where you are today and keep on surrendering right into the New Year.
With that being said the New Year won’t bring anything different for you than what you could do today, so why not begin today with whatever changes you wish to make in your health and fitness? Now I’m not going to specify what kind of changes you’ll be making – I hope that these will be inner changes which will lead to outer changes, but that depends on where you are at in your growth process. Either way when it comes to improving yourself there is no better time than the present to do it.
Just a thought for today, something for you to mull over. Remember that you are the one in control of your destiny, it’s not up to chance. If you believe it, you can achieve it, and that power resides in you now. Your personal power does not come from a date on the calendar so what exactly will change for you on January first?
You may as well get going with your progress today, whether that means surrendering to where you’re at (always a good idea 😉 ), or taking healthy action for yourself. Either way, don’t put off what you want for a future date – start the journey now and live consciously in your present moment. Surrender to it and enjoy.
I read that approximately 45% of US women make the New Years resolution to lose weight. I believe that is a low estimate! I know from past experiences to expect a mad rush at the gym come early January. Things then return to normal towards the of the month or early February.
I bet most would associate “surrendering” with “giving up”. It can be a challenging concept to grasp. But I love it!! I like to look at it as getting out of the way. Whenever I read the point of giving up, I just release and let go. I ask the Universe for help. Honestly though, it’s best to ask for help from the onset. Makes life much easier 🙂
Judies last blog post..Almost At The End
i too agree that New Year’s resolutions are bullsh%$. It almost always ends up being a way for you to convince yourself that things are going to be EASIER to do things differently because of the magic of the holiday in question, as well as to put off making the change immediately.
and i also agree that surrendering is the first step toward any form of inner-peace and/or progress.
thanks for the encouraging post, people.
The key thing is what you do everyday. There is nothing wrong with splurging a bit over the holidays. It’s what your habits are with food and exercise BETWEEN the holidays that counts.
David at Animal-Kingdom-Workoutss last blog post..Dec 18, Great Post from the Diet Blog