Don’t Get Stuck in Fear of Making Mistakes with Weight LossIt’s easy to get stuck in fear of making mistakes with weight loss but you know what happens if you avoid taking action due to fear? Nothing. Yep! Nothing.
Well, that’s not entirely true because you WILL get results when you get stuck in fear, it’s just that the results won’t be weight loss, they’ll be more of the same results you have now, which are not the kind of results you want, right?
Don’t Get Stuck in Fear of Making Mistakes with Weight Loss
I’m not sure if you’ve caught any of my emails the last couple of days (only if you’re on my email list, you can join it here) but I created a Fresh Start Weight Loss Planner to help you catch a second chance at new year weight loss success.
It’s your second chance on February 1st but really, once we get further into February, that will be it for the new year. After all, once we reach March then we’re moving towards spring.
Well with all of this, I messed up with my “workflow”, which is within the software system I upload my empowering weight loss solutions into so that I can deliver them digitally to my customers. The way that I messed up was that people who purchased my Fresh Start yesterday also received a free guided meditation, which was a mistake. Ack!
Good News (whew!)
The Good News is I noticed my mistake and I fixed it quickly, but I have a problem with perfectionism so I got all irritated about it. I had already made a previous mistake by sending out an old email which was offering a huge discount on a previous online course, which is no longer available at that steep discount, so yeah, I’ve been making mistakes in the past few days BUT…. this is great, because I’m taking imperfect action.
Imperfect Action
Imperfect action is action you take NOW with what you have, and you make corrections as you move forward.
Most get stuck in in-action because they are afraid of making mistakes, which means they won’t get any new results, because they aren’t taking new action, because they’re afraid of messing up. See how that works?
What does any of this have to do with You you might ask? Well In My Opinion, it’s always better to take action and make mistakes, and then make corrections, and keep moving forward, than it is to do nothing.
Do you tend to do nothing when it comes to your weight loss goals because you’re afraid of messing up? If you get stuck like this, have you ever tried planning out your weight loss success?
Get a Fresh Start
Check out my Fresh Start weight loss planner + while you can still get it at 25% off. You might be surprised how much more action you will take to lose weight if you take the time to plan to succeed. My planner lays out all of the steps for you.
To sum up, don’t be afraid of making mistakes. It’s better to take action and move forward and then make corrections as you go along as you keep moving forward. AND with pre-planning your success you’ll make much faster progress.
All the best!
P.S. My Fresh Start planner + is only available at the discount for a few more hours, until the timer on the page reaches zero. Just an FYI for ya.