Here are some interesting links for you to browse through either today or this weekend. I came across all of these posts (except for my reminder on A New Earth) after signing up for Entrecard, a service that definitely gets you out there in the blogosphere.
Entrecard is a fun way to not only discover new blogs, but also a way for you to advertise your blog by using a credit system in the Entrecard network. Check it out if you’re interested in developing another traffic stream to your blog.
Physical Transformation
There’s a new guy in the blogosphere who is sharing his journey of going from out of shape and overweight to being fit, strong, and ready for summer.
Check out Kenny’s story (including before and after pics) of how he used to be a non-stop gamer who overate and didn’t exercise, to today being a part of the bodybuilding scene. Go Kenny!
She Figured “Food Was Food”
Here’s an inspirational video I found on Debo’s blog. College student Jill Schieren started swimming when she was 8 years old but stopped when she was a teenager. The problem was that she kept eating like she did when she was swimming and ended up tipping the scales at 225lbs.
What struck me the most about this video was Jill’s comment that when she was a teen, she thought that all “food was food” – no difference. Now she makes healthy choices and exercises daily to maintain her 120 pound weight loss that she accomplished in only 11 months, and no, she didn’t use any tricks – no diet pills, shakes, or starvation (which doesn’t work anyway). She simply employed daily exercise and healthy eating.
Also, be sure to check out Debo’s post about her own health and fitness transformation, go Debo!
For Your Spirit
Are you hanging in there with Eckhart Tolle’s class, “A New Earth“, hosted by Oprah each Monday night? If you haven’t started the classes or heard of the book yet and you find yourself giving in to emotional eating because of too much stress and drama in your life, pick up a copy of A New Earth and check out the Monday night classes.
The classes are free and will continue through May 12, each Monday at 9pm EST. If you haven’t been tuning in up to this point you can find a list of the current web casts on to view at your own pace. I’ve been enjoying them, hope you do, too!
Contest Anyone?
And finally, here’s something just for fun: Marcus over at is running a massive contest to help promote his blog while at the same time, giving you the chance to win one of over 100 prizes (and counting). On this list are products, services, professional consultations, ad space, and Entrecard credits. You can see the entire list here where you can also read the rules of entry. The winners will be drawn on May 1. Good luck!
One More Thing…
Ok, this really is the last link, and yes, I’ve got another video for you. But really, this is a very important story that I must tell you about.
You’ve heard my regular recommendations for Super Size Me – well this is the opposite, working back towards healing and wholeness. Jeff posted a great article about a new documentary called Raw for 30 Days (their site states it should be released soon). It’s about 6 junk food addicted (and you know that means they’re addicted to sugar š ) Americans who are diabetic and go raw for 30 days.
Guess what happens? They’re off their insulin within 4 days. This doesn’t surprise me at all because I know people who have done it (and gotten off of other medications) by following the 6-Week Body Makeover, and that’s not even a raw food plan although raw foods are a part of it.
Watch the trailer below, and you’ll see sugar addiction in action as participants want to give up on healing their diabetes (which can kill them), because they want their junk food instead.
But you know what’s great about seeing their process? I’ve let you know many times that it takes 3 – 7 days to detox from the processed, sugar-filled gunk, and this documentary demonstrates that it was those first 4 days that were the hardest for these people. After that they were feeling much better and they stuck it out.
[youtube ynXGA6fCEgU]
Sure, their journey doesn’t end after 30 days because if they go back to their old ways they can easily slip right back in to sugar addiction, overeating, and diabetes. It’s a day-by-day decision that you make on whether to stay the path of healthy eating and exercise, and it sure is worth it when you get the benefits of healthy living.
Thanks for sharing these links. Some good info out there.
Andrew is getting fit’s last blog post..A run up a volcano
I loved the videos! Thanks!
Interesting links. I’m definitely interested in the Raw for 30 Days video!
And I’m impressed and inspired by Jill’s weight loss! Good for her!!! š
OK, Entrecards. I’m not completely in the know on them. I see them as similar to business cards. How do you give out your cards to other sites? Do you pick who you want to give them to? Maybe my questions require me to do further research or perhaps talk to you off line…
Anyway, thanks for the info, and have a great weeknd!
Susan’s last blog post..Self-Defense Class
Good links!
Also, it’s encouraging to be able to set a time limit on how long the detox stress is going to last. (Most of it, at least.) So long as you know the worst will be over in a few days, then it’s easier to take.
Merry’s last blog post..Oh Nooooo!
Thanks for the link! The sugar video was interesting.
@Andrew, np!
@Renee, good, I’m glad you liked them. š
@Susan, I’d like to see the whole documentary, too, hope it does come out soon.
Yeah, let me know if you want more info about Entrecard. They also have a good video that explains it well if you go to their site.
@Merry, it does help a lot to know that you can be out of the sugar detox within a few days. For me it takes 3 days.
@Kenny, np, and glad you liked the video.
Cool. Thanks, JoLynn. I’m on my way over to the site (Entrecard) in just a bit…