Fit Linking at Fearless Fat LossHere are some gems for you to check out this weekend along with an update on how my first online radio interview went today. Enjoy!

My First Internet Radio Interview – Fun!

Today I made a guest appearance on my very first live, online radio show, yeah! I was interviewed on the Michelle and Kim show on Planetary Streams and it was a lot of fun. They asked me some great questions about cravings, how processed food increases them, and I shared some tips on getting off of sweets.

To listen to the rebroadcast of today’s show check out the complete schedule and look for the Michelle and Kim show. All times on the schedule are MST (mountain standard time), which is 2 hours behind EST. You can also refer to the current MST so you can compare it to your local time.

To listen simply click on the blue “Listen Live” button on the right side of the page. It’s an hour long show and you’ll hear me at the halfway point. It turned out that there wasn’t enough time to take questions from the audience but Michelle and Kim are having me back in 2 weeks, Friday July 25, at 2:20 pm EST, so you can tune in for the live show then. šŸ˜‰

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When Cranky, Check In on Your Basic Needs

Here’s a great post from Stacey that covers 2 points that you’ve heard about here at Fearless Fat Loss – emotional eating and stress. Stacey reminds us to monitor our basic needs (thirst, physical hunger, emotions, energy) before using food for comfort.

I have to remember this too, because if I let myself get too hungry then I get in that danger zone of falling off my whole foods plan. Sometimes I even set a timer when I’m really busy so that I make sure to eat every 2.5 to 3 hours, and I always carry my food and water with me in a little cooler when I’m not home.

Don’t Just Collect Great Tips, Implement Them

Check out Karly’s post in which she tells you all about her recent realization that over the years she had been collecting wonderful tips on how to get and stay healthy, but hadn’t been implementing them. Well she is now – she’s taking action and getting results.

She’s now eating small meals every couple of hours (that works wonderfully for me), she’s journaling her food intake, and she’s quelling her negative thinking, thinking that wasn’t based in reality. Karly is on track and going for it, a must read post!

If You’re Overweight It’s Not Your Fault

Ok, I have to preface this with what we all know – you hold your personal power in your hands and when you give your power to someone else or some “thing” (like food šŸ˜‰ ) you are giving your power away, but guess what? You can always take your power back and believe it or not, your health and fitness really is in your control.

At the same time, the points made in this excellent post over on Zen Habits ring so true to me. Points like the infiltration of the fast food industry making it oh so easy and oh so tasty to keep ya comin’ back for more, and the point that the quick fix fad diets just don’t work.

The only way to lose the weight and keep it off is by changing your lifestyle, that’s what it all comes down to. It’s about creating healthy habits and taking daily action, daily action that sometimes you won’t want to take but since it’s a part of your lifestyle and you know you’ll feel so much better by following through, you go ahead and do it anyway.