I Want to Lose Weight But I DON’T Want to Change How I Eat…
I Want to Lose Weight BUT I DON'T Want to Change How I Eat | Weight Loss Coaching JoLynn BraleyHave you ever talked about how badly you want to lose weight but when push comes to shove, you’re not actually doing anything about it?

I heard a story about a man who was at a party after he’d lost 50 pounds. A married couple were over the top with utter amazement about how great he looked and how amazing his transformation was.

This couple, they were on the portly side (ok, they were quite obese) both of them, and they couldn’t wait to hear HOW this man had lost 50 pounds.

WHAT was his weight loss secret?

HOW did he lose weight?

WHAT was the magic that transformed him so easily into the 50 pounds lighter man that he had become??

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He answered their question quite easily! He simply said, “I changed what I ate and how much I eat.”

He went on to say, “I stopped eating junk food, fast food, and highly processed food. Now I eat healthy, whole foods, the same kinds of foods that our grandparents used to eat before the 1950’s. I cook, and I use portion control. That’s about it, it’s pretty simple, really!”

The portly couple were listening with their heads cocked to one side and their mouths open as if the man had just turned into a walker from The Walking Dead right in front of their eyes.

They had looks of horror on their faces as he was stating the simple facts of how he lost 50 pounds. He even added that he’s still eating this way (oh, the horror of it all!) and he’s fine with keeping it up as a healthy lifestyle, a way of life.

He said he didn’t diet, he changed how he eats instead.

That’s right: the 50-pound loser said that he wasn’t dieting, he had simply changed his eating habits, and his way of daily living.

The portly couple couldn’t close their mouths that hung agape, almost hitting the floor.

When they regained their composure they asked the healthy, fit, 50-pound lighter man, “BUT… what what WHAT about Doritos? What about Dairy Queen? Chili’s? Big Boy? McDonald’s? Frozen pizzas? Coke? M&M’s? Starburst? Hostess cupcakes? Twinkies? Chips and dip? Ice cream? Frozen pop tarts? Burritos? Tostitos? Cheetos?

What about eating ice cream out of the gallon container on the couch while watching The Walking Dead?!”

They couldn’t comprehend the ghastly idea of changing their eating habits, BUT they told him how much they both wanted to lose weight.

I Want to Lose Weight BUT I DON’T Want to Change How I Eat

The portly couple went on to say why it was so important that they lose weight, complaining about how many things they were missing out on in life, the vacations, the beaches, the airplane seats that they couldn’t fit into without a seat belt extension.

They said they couldn’t keep up with their kids and they were ashamed to admit they were afraid what would happen once they had grand kids.

They were also afraid for their health. They didn’t think they’d be around until old age at the rate they were going.

Both of them had been warned by their doctor of the complications of diabetes. They’d been warned they need to change how they eat now, or die an early death. Their health was THAT damaged, THAT out-of-control.

And, they added how much they wanted to lose weight BUT.… But… they said to the 50-pound loser, “I Can’t Do THAT. I CAN’T change how I eat.

There’s NO WAY I could GIVE UP MY FOOD. No Way.”

Hmm, isn’t this story interesting? It’s oh so common, as well.

This sage will continue in my next post titled “I want to lose weight BUT…”

In the meantime…

If You’re Serious about Losing Weight Now

Do you seriously want to lose weight and keep it off?

Are you willing to change to get the results you seek?

Are you aware that the most important changes you need to make are the changes in your mindset? In your thinking? In your HEAD?

Do you want to make weight loss struggle-free? It can be, once you change your HEAD.

Change your mind to get your body to follow, struggle-free.

I personally coach my awesome weight loss coaching clients through my proven step-by-step system to struggle-free weight loss. My clients stop binge eating, stop emotional eating, and stop sabotaging their weight loss.

If you’re serious about getting these results for yourself then apply now for a complimentary weight loss discovery session. It’s your first step towards struggle-free weight loss that lasts!


I Want to Lose Weight BUT I DON\'T Want to Change How I Eat