You know what…many of us who have had the experience of struggling with food and weight issues tend to get kinda serious about this stuff, and stuff in general.

Can you relate to this at all? No? Well if you don’t think about your weight issue much and you haven’t experienced having any negative thoughts about yourself, your body image, any of that kinda stuff, then you really don’t need this post (so you can stop reading now 😉 ).

My Imperfect Action

What I’m getting at is the fact that weight and food issues can get pretty darned “heavy” – emotionally, physically, and mentally. Sometimes it’s just too much, and I gotta tell ya that I love to laugh and have fun and when I’m feeling awesome, smiling, laughing, and having fun with whatever I’m doing, then life just flows.

Now, here’s the funny part (and yes, I’m honestly laughing about this LOL)….yesterday I asked for your help in the post about creating a weight loss mindset. There’s already a bunch of you guys who signed up for Fearless Fat Loss newsletter and the e-course I’m giving you on how to create  a weight loss mindset.

So, like I said in that post, now I’m working on that e-course for you and part of that is putting together thank you pages, stuff like that. Well this afternoon I thought I created a new WordPress page for my newsletter subscribers but instead I posted it as a post. This means that over 800 people who are subscribed to Fearless Fat Loss’s RSS feed are going to get this post that says “Congratulations on signing up for your e-course!” (something like that) and they’re not going to know what the heck that post is about.

Free eBook Fearless Fat Loss

My RSS feed is also on Alltop and I have over 3,150 followers on Twitter who would have gotten an auto update from my blog today (through Twitterfeed) on that “post” that was meant to be a page. Sound embarassing at all?

Well if this isn’t funny I don’t know what is but you know what? I can either laugh about it like I am and chalk it up to my Imperfect Action steps I’m taking and at the same time celebrate that I’m taking action…or I could get all upset about it, say “I can’t do this” (newsletter and e-course)  and throw in the towel.

Maybe you’ve done something like that before with your healthy eating plan? You took a detour and then (since you weren’t perfect) you  told yourself you couldn’t do it, and then ate a box of cookies. It’s the same kinda thing I’m telling you in my story but you don’t have to take that route – you could laugh at yourself, lighten up and say “hey, I can do this, all I did was have a little misstep, and I’m getting right back on my plan!”

It’s All Good

So, I had a little misstep today because I’m taking Imperfect Action to get this e-course done for Fearless Fat Loss’s newsletter but I’m not heading out to find the nearest box of cookies to emotionally eat over this. 😉

Nope, instead I’m going right  along with my Imperfect Action (which btw I learned all about from my Twitter friend @kevinnations), writing this post  for you, having a good laugh about it because as it is, it’s possible that none of my 3,150 Twitter followers and 800+ RSS subscribers will even read that mistaken post that was meant to be a page!  And if anyone does read it, they’ll probably just think it’s a glitch in the system.

See how funny all this is? Now how about lightening up on yourself and giving yourself a break today? Keep on taking Imperfect Action (as long as it’s inspired action – I don’t recommend forcing yourself to change) towards your health and fitness goals and find something to laugh about each day.

Yes, I know, heart disease, diabetes, and the myriad other health issues that come along with obesity are no laughing matter so  please don’t get me wrong, but you’ve gotta find your way to fun with your  health and fitness journey  because if you don’t enjoy today and enjoy the journey (with  laughter!),  then why would you stay the course to the end?