5 Diets That Will NEVER Work | Free Weight Loss PodcastLet’s Get REAL: Have you been complaining that you’re not losing weight? Make sure you’re not on one of these 5 diets that will never work because you won’t get weight loss results from these diets! They simply don’t work.

Listen in to episode #318 of The JoLynn Braley Show now but be warned: this is Get REAL episode #73 of The JoLynn Braley Show! You will not like this episode if you are looking for:

  • Excuses to keep overeating
  • More people to blame for your overweight
  • Anything outside of yourself to blame for your overweight
  • Reasons to stay in your comfort zone
  • Reason to be “offended”
  • Someone to enable you to stay stuck

If you’re looking for any of the above then do not listen to this week’s free weight loss podcast episode from The JoLynn Braley Show because you will not like it, plain and simple.

5 Diets That Will NEVER Work

So let’s get real: have you been complaining about not losing weight but all along, you might be doing one of the five diets that will never work?

Free eBook Fearless Fat Loss

The good news is this: if you are doing one of the 5 diet that will never work then all you need to do is… stop it! Yep, just stop it. Stop doing these diets that will never work because you’ll only cause yourself more struggle, more frustration, and additional  weight gain. But first, listen in to this week’s episode of The JoLynn Braley Show to find out exactly what these 5 diets that will never work are. HINT: they are not food diets!

Instead of being food diets, these are diets that strugglers are on, diets that lead the dieter further and further away from the fit, healthy body they talk about wanting.

These 5 diets that will never work are works of self-sabotage and struggle, and they can stretch on a lifetime unless the dieter makes a new decision to do something radically new and different.

The only way to get totally new results is by doing something totally new, something you’ve never ever done before. A good thing about doing something you’ve never ever done before is that you have absolutely nothing to compare it to! You cannot say “I’ve done everything to lose weight” if you’ve never done The Inner Self steps with The Inner Self Diet Blueprint. Nothing compares to The Inner Self Diet because The Inner Self Diet actually fixes the real problem, and the real problem is not the food.

Permanent weight loss coach JoLynn Braley is the founder of The Inner Self Diet, the proven step-by-step system to struggle-free weight loss in eight weeks or less.

The Inner Self Diet is the best diet that is not actually a diet, because it’s not a food diet! The Inner Self Diet ends binge eating, ends emotional eating, and ends the self-sabotage that always takes you off track.

5 Diets That Will NEVER Work [Podcast #318]

Listen in if you’re willing to take a step towards total self-honesty! Only for you if you want to lose weight and stop sabotaging your weight loss efforts.

During the episode you’ll discover:

  • The 5 diets that will never work (get off of these diets now if you are on any of them!)
  • Several opportunities to Get REAL with yourself, a first step in making real change to lose weight, and keep it off.
  • Your next step if you are serious about achieving struggle-free weight loss in 8 weeks or less. This means ending the binge eating, ending the emotional eating, and stopping the struggle.

Simply click the play button on the player on this page and you can listen in instantly listen in.

Listen In Below to The JoLynn Braley Show!

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Free Weight Loss Podcast | The JoLynn Braley Show

Make sure you’re subscribed to The JoLynn Braley Show so you don’t miss any of the upcoming free weight loss podcast episodes of The JoLynn Braley Show. You especially don’t want to miss and of the Get REAL episodes! Those are the episodes that get the most compliments.

The JoLynn Braley Show has been broadcasting free weight loss podcast episodes since the first week of January 2013 so there are hundreds of episodes you can listen to on topics such as binge eating, emotional eating, struggle-free weight loss and much much more.

Subscribe for FREE on iTunes to The JoLynn Braley Show  so that you don’t miss an episode.  After you subscribe on iTunes then go ahead and rate the show! I believe that this is a 5 Star show as we’re talking about the Real Issues of why you’ve never achieved lasting success with your weight, which is impossible to do unless you address and heal the Root Cause of the problem.

I’d also love to read your feedback on iTunes! Give us a testimonial after you give the show a 5-star rating and tell me in your iTunes feedback what your biggest Aha is that you’ve gotten from The JoLynn Braley Show!

You can also find The JoLynn Braley Show in the following locations:

Just search for “The JoLynn Braley Show” in your favorite podcast outlet to subscribe!

You can also join me on my Facebook page when I do regular Facebook LIVE videos on all kinds of topics related to achieving the ultimate success with your weight that you deeply desire for yourself! Click here and then click LIKE on my Facbook page. Be sure and sign up for notifications so that you’ll know each time I go live.

If you have any suggestions for topics go ahead and leave me a comment!

Who Else Wants To Stop Struggling and Lose Weight Now?  

What if you really could stop struggling to lose weight?

What if you really could stop emotional eating? What if you could stop binge eating?

What would life be like for you if you were to wake up each morning feeling happy with your body?

How much more fun would you have each day if you felt good in your own skin?

If you could heal your relationship with food, stop emotional eating, and just get normal with food, then how easy would it be for you to lose weight?

If you’re serious about ending your food and weight struggles in the least amount of time possible then click here to apply for a complimentary weight loss discovery session

This is for YOU if you’d love to stop asking yourself, “Why am I so smart and successful in my business life yet I’m still struggling with my weight? Why can’t I just DO it?!”

Click here to apply now and start living the Results of struggle-free weight loss.

[NOTE: Limited time offer. Limited spots available. First come, first serve.]

5 Diets That Will NEVER Work [Podcast #318]