When you can’t find the weight loss motivation to get started and keep going all the way to your goal weight then it’s always a good idea to go back to basics and get back on track.
You can even go back to basics with this thirty-one day series in daily weight loss motivation that you’re reading right now, here on the last day of the thirty-one days.
In fact, on Day One I already gave you my best tip for getting motivated to lose weight, and if you took action with that tip on Day One, and if you’ve been following a healthy eating plan with portion control since Day One, then you are likely 4-8 pounds lighter today.
Way to go!!
On the other hand, if you didn’t take my suggestion in Day One seriously and take immediate action with it, if you told yourself “I’ll wait” until reading my entire 31-day series on weight loss motivation, then unfortunately you’ve continued to struggle and it’s very likely you’ve continued to binge eating, emotionally eat, and/or mindlessly eat each night in front of the TV.
Hey, I understand because I’ve been there before, but I never got anywhere like that. Not when it came to successful weight loss.
Daily Weight Loss Motivation: Go Back to Basics [Day Thirty-one]
To successfully lose weight and keep it off there’s something you really need to go back to basics about which I covered in Day One of this 31-day series.
That fact is all about the consistent action you must take meal after meal, day after day, month after month, in order to get all the way to your goal weight.
Big Mistake
A huge mistake that most of the unmotivated are making is waiting until they find weight loss motivation before they take any action to start losing weight.
The problem with this decision to wait is the fact that they end up waiting a lifetime. The motivation never “appears” no matter how long they wait.
This same group does try to “make a push” once a year to really get in gear – they make a New Year Resolution to lose weight. But you know what happens? They fade within the first 14 days. Most don’t even make it through 7 days.
Because the majority of the year they’ve practiced more of the same bad eating habits which simply don’t STOP on January first. It would be a much better plan of action to Take Action NOW to get healthy and fit, no matter what the date is and no matter what day of the week it is.
Waiting until Monday is just as bad: Monday never comes. Well, it does come 52 times a year, but then the whole cycle continues to repeat, repeat, repeat, while you’re always waiting for the Mythical Monday that never appears.
A Secret You Had No Idea Of
A secret you’ve had zero idea of this entire 31 days is that when I began writing this daily weight loss motivation series 31 days ago, I didn’t feel motivated to do this.
But can you see what I did? I took action to write the introduction, then I wrote Day One, then I wrote Day Two, and day by day I kept writing, I kept going, and now here I am, writing the 31st day in my series on daily weight loss motivation.
This is exactly what you must do to make progress with your weight. You must start NOW. If you don’t, what will you weigh six months from now?
Next summer?
Next vacation?
A year from now?
Can you see that you’re not going to get to your goal weight unless you Take Consistent Action? Does it make sense that unless you start now, you’re not going to be any slimmer 31 days from now?
FYI: There’s an Easier Way
Forcing yourself to take action instead of waiting for weight loss motivation to appear is the hard core way to get that weight off. It’s the hard way, too. But if you can decide to do it, it can work, provided you have a healthy, sane, lifestyle plan in place.
There is a much easier way though. The easy way is to lose weight from the inside out. This means, do the work to Change Your MIND and then you’ll feel Inspired to live a healthy lifestyle.
Inspiration comes from within. In Spirit = Inspiration.
Inspiration works. Inspiration flows. Inspiration make weight loss struggle-free to DO.
Motivation on the other hand, is a force you must do to yourself from the outside.
Motivation does not last.
Oh No!
What this means is this entire 31 day series I’ve written for you about weight loss motivation really isn’t the right thing to be looking for. Motivation is not the answer. INSPIRATION is the answer.
But if I wrote about weight loss inspiration, who would read it? When you’re brainwashed to believe that your problem is weight loss motivation, that’s all you are looking for.
The good news is that by looking for free information on weight loss motivation, you’re reading these words now and learning that inspiration is really what you want to create, if you want to finally get all the way to your goal weight, and stay there.
The thing is however, that you must Take Action Consistently with proven steps to get that inspiration. To make weight loss struggle-free. To get in the flow.
If you are not willing to do something radically new, if you are not willing to be coached and guided, and if you are not willing to change, then stop reading now. Take the free information in my words above and put it to use.
Stop Reading Now if this is who you are.
On the other hand, if you are willing to change, if you are willing to be coached by a professional weight loss coach who specializes in the real problems that are stopping you (not a food diet coach but a weight loss mindset coach), if you are willing to do something you have NEVER done before to lose weight, and if you are excited about leaving your food and weight struggles in the dust, then click here and take your first step now.
Do Not use that link if you continued to read this words but you fit the first description of the Unwilling up above. This link is ONLY for you if you are an awesome woman who is smart and successful professionally (which frustrates you even more because you can’t figure out why you can make yourself lose weight) and you are positive, coachable, and willing to change.
This post concludes my 31-day daily weight loss motivation series. Go back to Day One to go back to basics!