When you lack the weight loss motivation to get all the way to your goal weight (or even get started to lose one pound!) please remember to never lose hope that you can change and get that weight off.
If you lose hope then you’re pretty much doomed to stay overweight. Without hope, what do you have? And of course, without hope, have you ever noticed that you have zero motivation to lose weight?
Daily Weight Loss Motivation: Never Lose Hope [Day Twelve]
The more you can raise your level of hope that it’s possible for YOU to change, to lose weight, and to finally beat your food and weight battles for good, the more motivation you will have to act.
This is the main reason I produced my exclusive series “Real Results from The Inner Self Diet” on my free weight loss podcast The JoLynn Braley Show.
That series includes eight of my awesome weight loss coaching clients who I personally interviewed after they graduated The Inner Self Diet.
In their interviews they share how bad their food and weight battles were prior to me coaching them as well as how fat they’ve come since. You get to hear them answer the question “Is struggle-free weight loss really real?” and hear them talk about beating binge eating, ending emotional eating, and learning to love themselves again.
The whole point of that 10-part special series I published on The JoLynn Braley Show was to help the listener raise their level of Hope that They Too can break free. After all, if one person on this planet can do it, then why not you? The only difference between you and them is that they have the whole system of steps to follow, which is what they did to get their struggle-free weight loss results. And of course, once you get to the struggle-free zone with your eating and your weight loss, then you don’t lack weight loss motivation, that’s for sure!
Click here to listen to the introduction to my Real Results series and then click here for the first interview in the series. If listening to this 10-part special (and free!) series does not raise your level of hope that it’s possible to finally fix your food and weight struggles then you simply don’t want to change and you really don’t want to get motivated to lose weight.
And hey, if that’s where you are, it’s good to know this! You can stop beating yourself for not having any motivation to lose weight and just accept that you really don’t want to change anything and you’re ok with your overweight and overeating results. Stop telling yourself you should lose weight if you truly don’t want to lose weight and shape up.
On the other hand, if you desperately want to make the core changes necessary in order to finally lose weight and keep it off then listen in now to my 10-part sub-series of The JoLynn Braley Show, “Real Results from The Inner Self Diet”. Start here with the introduction and then listen to the first interview in the series here. You’ll definitely raise your level of hope that you too can accomplish your deeply desired weight loss goals and feel good in your own skin.
If you want the full system of proven steps my weight loss coaching clients followed to get the outstanding results they got then click here to take a baby step in the direction of struggle-free weight loss. Sign up for a free call to find out more. It’s the only way to possibly gain entry to The Inner Self Diet because I only coach those who are a good fit. Click here to take a baby step towards the weight loss you crave!
![Daily Weight Loss Motivation: Never Lose Hope [Day Twelve]](https://fearlessfatloss.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/daily-weight-loss-motivation-day-twelve-pin.jpg)